I only hate smokers out of jealousy, but it’s not real hate. Probably too much story, but here in The Derp South smoking is pretty engrained with the poverty. I started cigars when I was 18 and then cigarettes. I was told at 31 just before my December birthday I had five years to live if I didn’t quit smoking ( I know that was likely not accurate, but I was in rough shape). I was at 42% lung capacity and already had PAD and was diagnosed with COPD. I’m 42 and January 1st will be 11 years without a cigarette. I am at 86% lung capacity and am no longer considered to have COPD. I also miss smoking dearly and fucking loved it. Tell cigarettes I said hi and I’m sorry we can’t be together… Lol
They also had keyboards that worked well and there was even real competition for on-screen keyboards until Google bought out and dissolved the best keyboard because they really want your ducking typing data.