Agreed OP. For everyone complaining about Musk it’s time to complete Super Mario World as Luigi or stfu. We don’t need to be any more aware of what’s happening than we already are. Awareness doesn’t change anything for anybody.
Do you expect me to teabag you in 1080p at 120 Hz like some medieval peasant? My nutsack textures require at least 4K at 240 Hz or else you can’t make out the individual hairs as they brush your nose.
You gotta Do the Dew before you do the deed.
Who would win?
2700 soft nerds with at least one billion small pieces of paper each
300 million chimps with access to the internet and Mountain Dew™
That’s a true statement but it’s also true that in the entirety of human history no society has managed to wrest power away from the rich for more than a few generations. They may lie dormant for a while but they always come back. Self destructive greed is in our nature.
shitty AI voice that sounds like David Attenborough
The foul, uncultured masses had developed a taste for blood. In their ignorance they had mistaken their benevolent, job creating overseers to be the source of their troubles. With violent fervor they created propaganda espousing their murderous intent, as the piece shown here exemplifies. These horrendous works of art were called memes, pronounced “may-mays”, and were spread amongst the mob primarily through mobile communications devices.
Judging from the response of the internet, which of course could be wildly different from the public as a whole, it doesn’t seem like a crazy idea that at least 1/12 jurors would refuse to convict the real shooter. Seems like a possibility of mistaken identity only increases those odds.
It’s not hyperbole to say that this is exactly why the 2nd Amendment exists. It’s been bastardized and misrepresented for a long time now but this is explicitly the kind of tyranny the founding fathers envisioned we would need protection from. In their time the people with the power to extract wealth at the cost of human suffering were mostly monarchs and other governmental bodies and in our time massive corporations have joined those ranks but that doesn’t change what’s happening at a fundamental level.
The meter melted? Jesus, that’s a unique place isn’t it haha
Ignoring all the obvious bad decisions, what were they trying to accomplish? Even if that was wired correctly in a breaker panel enclosure I can’t figure out why it would be placed in a location that had a shower head pointed at it.
Doing it on purpose for self defense seems less bad to me than indiscriminately because we want to be more comfortable but maybe that’s a meaningless distinction.
That’s why I skip a few steps and wipe my ass with tree bark.
Oh no, you have to be inconvenienced on three holidays a year! Night owls have to drag themselves out of bed every day because some dickheads decided that every job has to start at 8 AM.
And you can get it all over with much sooner since you’ll probably die of heart disease at 45.
He completed his transformation and became one with the desert in the form of a new type of semi-sentient cactus.
They are implying that when faced with the choice of paying €30 for a couple of pints or smoking free weed that many will choose the latter which will impact alcohol sales in bars to a significant degree.
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