Helping doesn’t mean being the #1 reason
Helping doesn’t mean being the #1 reason
Don’t get your hopes up only a 1% chance to hit a just 40-100 meter wide
Thank you for putting ads for shitty fast food on the fediverse
I watched veritassium for a short while, but i can’t take them serious with all the click bait. Can you provide a link to the proper study instead?
How is a steam release worth anything if you’re still required to use uplay?
A few of the AFD highlights
Member of the Bundestag suggested to shoot every migrant at the border.
Another one claimed not every SS member was a bad person. Which lost them the support of French and Italian fascist.
Leader of the party in Thüringen, a history teacher, used a slogan of the SA.
There is many more…
How many Nato soldiers have fought on russian soil?
This is why i like either big streamer who don’t do it anymore, or small ones who don’t get subbed that often
Once i had a sub ready while the streamer was offline, i got called rude by someone else who was in the chat for some reason.
Btw you can turn of to send the notification in the settings.
It should be a known fact at this point that US companies share all the data the goverment wants, i don’t think the greater influence matters in this case.
To bad that even years after the release it was so bugged that i couldn’t play it through.
And even those are a mixed bag, like Cities Skylines 2 should be in EA, but as an informed gamer i still knew what i’m going to get on day 1 and despite all the downsides it’s enjoyable and i wouldn’t choose to play C:S 1 instead
What have you heard about hate speech laws being abused?
I’m german and haven’t heard much
Are you a tabloid reader by any chance?
Quiz race
Everytime you reach a checkpoint you get a mutiple choice question, if you answer it right till the next checkpoint you get a short boost and your car improves (higher max speed,better handling etc.)
They sued a kindergarten for paintings of their characters on a wall
Consindering that we’re training Ai to be safe on the roads i would say the rider is the most vital part.
Depending on how one defines homelessness, China has either a very tiny homeless population or an extremely large one. Compared to other countries, there very few vagrants: people living on the streets of China’s cities without means of support. But if one counts the people who migrated to cities without a legal permit (hukou), work as day laborers without job security or a company dormitory, and live in overcrowded and unsanitary conditions on the edge of cities, there are nearly 300 million homeless
The source of your source
Was the what if fellings had feelings movie not made by pixar?
Barre Bräu.
Dein Herz erfreu.