I suspect the real reason they are doing this is to condition the students to accept oppressive and unjust surveillance in future workplaces.
I suspect the real reason they are doing this is to condition the students to accept oppressive and unjust surveillance in future workplaces.
chrome, the android os and platform and all the apps therein. I mainly use firefox, but some things only work in chrome.
I get the impression he is barely keeping his head above water – he seems to hardly understand what is happening around him. Not quite Mitch level, but similar.
This would have been helpful in, like, 2014, but better late than never I suppose. Interestingly, a recent skeptoid episode covered a similar topic
Those “Wealth Increases” are only meaningful for people who are already extremely wealthy.
For the rest of us, people touting “the economy” are just background noise; the reality is, housing costs are out of control; people with professional jobs can’t even afford a one bedroom apartment. Food prices have skyrocketed; the other day, I noticed a gallon of milk cost me $7. A sandwich or a burrito costs $15. That’s nearly a half hour wage for me, which is about the same buying power I had when I was making $7.25 in the late nineties.
We need a sea change, and it needs to start with a wholesale replacement of our congressional body.
S tier: kdeconnect, m.a.l.p., VLC, firefox, bitwarden, Simon tatham’s potable puzzle pack, farebot
A tier: maxima on android, ankidroid