That’s ok, we’ll ignore your country being bombed and raped next ;)
That’s ok, we’ll ignore your country being bombed and raped next ;)
Actually it’s the nebraska virus
for those that don’t know:
US also has to import transphobia and wrecking its economy for freedum
I agree, I think we should make both our countries worse instead
Belongs in ich_iel.
Energiewende is an absolute catastrophe
Sad what they did to mick gordon
Economically they are, both activities are rent seeking
They can try! and they might even succeed, at least while the oil money is still flowing
jk Netflix will cancel it in one (1) year
These people never should’ve been allowed to beta test with our lives when no one approved it
Everyone’s reminder that the number tattoos were the victim’s immutable IBM database IDs!
Ah cool I’ll be adding “minority analytics” to my list of fun euphemisms for nightmarish realities
Google probably should’ve tested this more before they released it
Says who buddy Bidens ass is getting reamed on this one