1 year agoOne can just click the reader view/mode button if you’re on Firefox and bypass paywalls and popups. Doesn’t work on all sites but works on this one.
Get off my lawn!
One can just click the reader view/mode button if you’re on Firefox and bypass paywalls and popups. Doesn’t work on all sites but works on this one.
Hey, these lungs can fix wood scratches. Nice in a Waldorf salad too.
Bruce Lee would kick this idiot’s ass with a passion if he was still alive.
Yeah, I am from Amsterdam, left 20 years ago and can’t recognize the city I left then. It is overrun with entitled tourist and braindead drunk Brits. Glad I live in the country side of the Netherlands now.
How exactly does your bunghole get digitized for the whole world to see? I am just not understanding all this tekmology shit.
Does it have any electrolytes like Brawndo?
I quicksaved the fuck out of Fallout NV, kept crashing every corner…kept playing anyway.