Is this a first time occurrence? Has there ever been any other indication of your dad’s discomfort around people wearing backpacks? There might be some history here that you’re not aware of. Some past bad experience he had. A kind of PTSD.
If the mug shot is a nice cold bottle of water, his conviction is going to feel like that scene from Flashdance. My body is ready.
I just noticed some other comments mentioning that and didn’t realize there was a different one-time fee to remove ads. I only initially saw the “ultra” subscription options. You’re right though, $20 is a bit high but not too far off. I would pay $10 if I was sure this was the app for me. It’s honestly a nice looking app. I never used Sync for Reddit. My favorite was always Relay.
Everyone is getting bent out of shape. Just use whatever app you like best. I have 5 apps installed that I’m testing including Sync.
That being said, my 2 cents regarding Sync: I don’t mind paying for a great app like Sync, but I’m not crazy about subscription models. I know there is a one time option but $100 for a mobile app is beyond nuts.
EDIT: $100 is for the lifetime “ultra” plan. It’s $20 to remove ads.
“that’s pretty greedy gays!”
But I don’t mind giving money to Google for using Google Music/YouTube Music. The no ads on YouTube is just a bonus. I’m paying for the convivence of playing any song I want on any device anywhere I am. And I assume a portion of that fee goes to the artists, although I admittedly don’t know how that works.
Why? I have it for YouTube Music and it works great plus no ads on YouTube.
I just pay $11 for YouTube premium. I did it entirely for YouTube Music (Google Music) but the ad free YouTube was just a nice bonus.
Wow. This site is incredible! Thank you!