NH NL. Wanna hang out?
If you have an iPhone you can go ahead and try Flight Mode right now. You’ll see that it disconnects from WiFi and disables cellular. NFC, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi stay powered on, Bluetooth stays active. Yes, latest iOS has Bluetooth tracking protection on by default (varies by country, illegal in some), but it is not completely safe. I’m not sure about NFC and Wi-Fi. If you power the phone off it is unlikely to turn off the radios - they are needed for “find my iPhone” and similar features on Google and Samsung Galaxy phones.
Overall you can’t be confident that your phone does not reveal your location and identity to “law enforcement”, especially in places where police is well equipped to track you.
Why not bring your phone?
Your SIM/IMEI are tied to your ID. The police can visit you at home later. Details depend on the country.
I did the math:
Room temperature is often defined as 20 degrees Celsius (although I remember it being 23C in some old textbooks).
20+16.6 is 36.6 which is the normal temperature of a human body.
20+18.6 is 38.6 which is above normal temperature, i.e. fever.
AFAIK ~42.0 degrees is lethal.
the part without
The red lanes are the bicycle lanes.
There are plenty of dishwashers with windows. Unlike the others devices mentioned, you don’t need to see what’s in there. The window is just for fun. They make you pay for fun.
They are either funny or “heheh, German humor”
330km/h is the sound barrier
This is false. Sound barrier is an aerodynamic effect that affects vehicles at speeds close to the speed of sound in air, which is slightly above 1200 km/h (at sea level, normal temperature and humidity).
I run faster than cunts in riot gear. I wouldn’t be typing this otherwise.