Yea, but the special edition with the HD textures is what is sold these days.
Yea, but the special edition with the HD textures is what is sold these days.
How, exactly, do you have the knowledge and capability to take care of a medical emergency that will require what would legally be, a murder?
Then you get someone pro genocide anyways, but you get to hold your head real high when your friends die because they had an etopic pregnancy. Good job.
Not enough to buy Bortles Era Jacksonville Jags, much less now when they are somehow much worse.
I’m aware. Stalinism has more in common with Fascism than either has with capitalism with a well supported social safety net. To say “Well, leftism can’t devolve into Fascism but capitalism can!” is odd semantics because leftism can and obviously has repeatedly fallen into the authoritarian trap.
I mean,
dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation.
Hitler or Stalin?
As compared to how hard it is to corrupt leftism into Stalinism?
Go look up the phrase “After Hitler, our turn!” And report back with your learnings from actual history.
That happens in the US too. It’s why there’s New York addresses that own huge “fields” of land that’s usually a wetland. The marginal land is protected and they get a corn subsidy from the government to not farm the land.
And also, a field of invasive species that drove out the native plants… Just saying.
Is the native landscape a rock garden? If you live in the Mojave: Go nuts, but that black rock is going to bake your house and drive up your carbon dioxide usage. Plants breathe just like animals do and that increases humidity locally, and in dry climates that can be a significant cooling effect. Essentially cheap evaporative cooling.
Are you actually growing native plants or do you just not care that you’re growing a massive amount of invasive on what we would call marginal lands?
Why would white nose fungus and pesticides be linked in the slightest? The issue with that is tourists who don’t want to admit they’ve been driving from national park to national park visiting each cave along the way without sanitizing anything. Same reason Zebra Mussels are spreading so rapidly. Just like people blaming 5G for COVID: It’s easier to externalize blame rather that come to terms with the, frankly, minuscule amount of spores that are needed to destroy the entire roosting colony.
Why would you say that? Hawks and owls were the “natural” predator of North American song birds and I’ve seen plenty of raptors in my large US city. Not like bobcats are suffering population-wise in urban areas.
I really had to look this up, and Jesus fuck, this is real. Bronx Zoo figured out tigers liked Obsession, then researchers in Central America would use it to get jaguars to rub up on certain items in front of cameras so they could record them and go out to gather up fur samples. Farmers noticed from the researchers that you could draw Jaguars to the area with the scent, and herbivores avoid areas frequented by Jaguars, so keep some scented items near your fields and things jaguars like to eat stay away.
Well, the lead of that one had traumatic brain damage and has memory troubles, so the reboot is pretty difficult.
Why do grocery stores close down in neighborhoods leaving food deserts? “They’re not profitable”
This is 1000% the same meme as the “States rights to do what motherfucker?”
Yep, and the fan moving in back almost certainly will fuck up beamforming as reflections are fairly important to get the beam to do object avoidance and if your reflective surface is angled and moving quickly…
So, how does the government decide who gets beachfront property and who lives behind the power plant?
As much as you really fucking hate to hear it: Biden won both his primaries handedly. The only way Bernie had a shot is if they clowncarred it too long like the Republican nomination that led to Trump. The DNC did not drop the ball, the American voters chose Biden.