That’d be because they are the lesbian and gay pride flags next to each other.
That’d be because they are the lesbian and gay pride flags next to each other.
I’m pretty sure they’ve gone as far as giving Minecraft explicit lore, kind of defeating the whole point.
Most of Bedrock is really locked down depending on what platform you use, on mobile custom modding becomes harder and harder. It’s really only the store that’s really viable to use.
Microsoft is stupid to me in the same sense the way the US handles capitalism is. They could’ve stopped updating at 1.8 and people would still be playing it as much.
Every other worthwhile one is also free and does not prompt you for purchase.
It’s really sad honestly, there’s so many alternatives to WinRAR and no one dares uses them.
That doesn’t sound like any game I’ve heard of, what’s the name?
If a tiny team of people making a mod can do so much good then Microsoft is just being insanely stupid.
Everything in Minecraft can be optimized significantly, even with all the extra states they have added to all the blocks and the rest to the point where it should run SIGNIFICANTLY better. There’s not even LOD.
Lack of care mostly, especially on the Java edition it has gone downhill in performance rapidly ever since Microsoft has owned the place.
I love how they make Bedrock edition for “performance” and then completely mess up on doing anything with it.
Minecraft is despite that a horribly unoptimized game that could run fine on A LOT more hardware but has given up on even trying to do so.
There’s so so many things they could easily do especially with how big of a game it is, but they just do not.
I mean that’s stupid, but I don’t feel like that’d be the only reason nor does it actually matter in the full context of this post.
I don’t see any defending especially just because she’s a woman, I see a post trying to point out that there’s bigger better targets than the current popular one.
Choosing the most popular person there is right now seems counterintuitive to me either way.
It’s a cute graphic for a post like this, who cares about nitpicking things like this. It’s also in 196 which revolves around images.
Ah yes, a text post with informative links… This must be Reddit!
What could possibly even be your problem with this post?
they shouldn’t prioritize some ads over their health, that’s sad.
I’m sorry, but there was zero hostility in my comment whatsoever. Quite literally just questions, and I am in fact in IT and was curious.
Nothing you’ve said seems like it’d need full internet access but it’s at least interesting, but asking more is pointless now.
It’s also quite easy to upgrade your Windows licenses for free, I would’ve been interested in what old games you’re playing.
This seems like a lot of hassle for no reason? It also doesn’t sound like it’d protect against much if it’s just microcode patching.
What’re you doing with Win7 where you still need it so desperately?
On top of that they’re still paying using their time (and power).