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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • kat@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulemer
    2 years ago

    That’s your experience. No matter how well I dress, I can’t stop my bones from aching in the cold. On the flip side, I’m typically comfortable in the heat, even in 38 Celsius temps. I obviously have an upper limit of like 40-45C, but so do most humans.

    Likewise it’s not really safe to chill outside in -40 to -50C for most humans either. At that point you’re getting frostbite through the wool underlayers, and the exposed skin will literally sting.

  • kat@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulemer
    2 years ago

    Well summer never made me want to kill myself so I tend to prefer it. Severe seasonal affective disorder is interesting.

    That said these days I have ways of dealing with it. Turns out running during the winter days is kinda neat because you end up getting endorphins and UV. I also have one of those SAD lamps and they truly work for me. Nowadays I like winter a lot more - especially cozy stuff like knitting and tea.

    I do think that the world’s increasing waistlines affect people’s attitude about summer. I know that the bigger you are, the more miserable the heat can feel. Plus wearing revealing clothes isn’t fun for everyone, especially with things like chub rub. On the flip side, being skinny makes you pretty cold so the winter can be miserable. I know that no amount of layers would help the ache in my bones when I was underweight.

    This is why autumn is bae. Hot enough to be outside, cold enough to not sweat, pretty colours and harvest activities, Halloween… Autumn wins. Close second is spring, which I hear is fabulous in many places, but in Canada is mostly just freezing winter temperatures, one week of trees blooming, and then just 30 C temperatures after that.

  • kat@lemmy.cato196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    2 years ago

    Photo Pea is where it’s at. Browser based Photoshop clone. Unless you’re doing art, then go with Krita.

    Gimp is needlessly unintuitive. I’ve used a ton of programs since I was 10 - I’ve ran Paint Shop Pro (JASC days), Corel Painter, Photoshop (all versions since 7), Krita, Inkscape, a tiny program called Paintstorm Studio, various Oekakis when those were a thing, paint tool SAI, and now Procreate. I have NEVER seen a program weirder than GIMP. People defend GIMP with the old “just because it’s not Photoshop doesn’t mean it’s bad”. My dude I’ve used programs that were entirely in Japanese and they made more sense than GIMP. The way the tools function and where they’re located makes no sense.

    And now Krita does 99% of everything you’d need GIMP for as the average person (cropping, filters, a bit of editing). There’s not a good reason to get GIMP. I’m genuinely confused because the features are there, I’m not sure why they don’t reskin the damn thing already.