Meme = a picture with some text
FYI it’s “palate”. A palette is what a painter uses, this thing: 🎨. Don’t feel too bad though, it’s an incredibly common mistake.
Good point.
Visual Studio Code is quite well liked
Grünkohl is fucking amazing, yes! Spent some time in Friesland when I was younger and Grünkohl along with some good sausages and mustard blew my mind
Corn? I don’t remember eating corn!
That’s what I thought initially, but it does look like the guy on the left is pointing out the meme deeper in the recursive structure
We’re not necessarily talking about “pop the back open and slam a new one in” batteries a la Nokia 3310, but rather being able to replace a battery at the end of its lifecycle without special expertise and tools, but still, with some amount of effort required.
That’s the requirement at least, but companies are of course free to choose either approach.
According to a draft version of the ecodesign regulation on the EU’s website, batteries should be replaceable “with no tool, a tool or set of tools that is supplied with the product or spare part, or basic tools.”
The “daingert Madelyn” in the last panel is from a CAPTCHA challenge. In case you’re not aware, CAPTCHAs used to present squiggly pseudo-words like that for you to decipher. I suppose they still might, but they used to, too.
And the joke is, well, it was always funny when the two words somehow made sense
Edit: And to totally kill the joke, “daingert” kinda looks/sounds like “dangit” in a southern(?) accent if you squint enough
I don’t personally have that big of a problem with my posts/comments being “persistent”, as I have a fairly high threshold for commenting and refrain from commenting anything too incendiary. And anyway, posts/comments, as I see it, are public and should be considered as such.
However, what I’m still a bit unclear on is the privacy of my votes/saves in the Fediverse. Should I start exercising the same caution in what I upvote or save? I understand that my home instance admins will have access to this data, but is that it?
Hit a paywall on mobile, here’s an archive link:
During my 13.5 years of Reddit, I’ve used at least these, in possibly this order
Don’t browse Reddit anymore, apps or browser. If I do end up visiting via Google, I use
Good point. Well, it is an 80’s movie