“Every time he speaks it makes me laugh”
“Every time he speaks it makes me laugh”
The Rock has assassinated Prigozhin!
Laughs in Internet Explorer 6
Oversimplification of too large a dataset. Please refine your statement and try again.
Should have set it to None since PraegerU doesn’t think it exists.
Most people who make FOSS full time that people interact with (Linux, Python, Git, Node.js etc) work at large tech companies where their work is being subsidized.
Solo devs don’t have that luxury, their income is directly tied to their product. They don’t have the same privileges.
It baffles me how much people get shit twisted again and again.
I’ll add The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller which is a very short but powerful book that was the first to really advocate for children of abusive parents. It will also give you some tools to evaluate psychologists and make sure they aren’t using you for their unmet emotional needs.
The mini Stallmans have been waiting for the Mach kernal for 4 decades, it was bound to drive them a little crazy.
Stalin murdered over 60 million people within the USSR, many of them ethnic minorities. God look up the Holodomor
Both systems are utopian on paper and anti humanist in practice. There’s more than two answers lol.
Was Imperial Russia and China capitalist societies? Good lord you tankies need to learn about more than two economic systems and a history lesson about what actually led to both revolutions.
The Lemmy protocol is open source and you’re free to use an open source solution. You’re free to use sync for Lemmy in much the same way you can run a Spotify client in Linux. One does not destroy the other.
Tldr if you don’t like it, don’t use it.
Upvoted via Sync lol. FOSS is great, FOSS is irreplaceable, but for independent programmers FOSS doesn’t pay the rent.
This does a better job, and if I wanted I could add some addons to Sonarr or Jellyfin for new media exploration. I personally use unraid, but all this can be done on a Ubuntu or Arch Linux install with some more expertise and patience.
Sir is this your first Torey scandal?