Might I suggest taking a pistachio and eating it while you’re shopping?
But then the fired devs can join together to make a hit game, be bought out by one of three companies within five years, make a shittier game sold on good will, and get fired. The circle of life.
One note about Waterfox is that I would have liked if it was added to the official Arch Linux repos. I installed fine with the AUR, but still.
Same for LibreWolf.
Bonus: Waterfox is available on Android! 🥳
I was thinking I should ditch android FF, too…
browse all and you never enter the community in the first place
This tracks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6ycytLh_WE&t=16
the author accidentally flipped the speech bubble
Suddenly banning porn is the most effective way to commit platform suicide. Tried and true.
you could have benches shoot fire periodically like every hour or so. regular users would rarely be affected, but if anyone tries to sleep on it, they won’t do it again.
The verb’s first recorded use is in an 1884 edition of the British journal […] The word’s current popularity follows its deployment as an intentionally ungainly form by television writer David X. Cohen for The Simpsons episode “Lisa the Iconoclast” in 1996.
Dude, the CPU instructions are right there, of course it’s open source.
If there’s a
womanpersonin thepicture, you should assume that someone got horny over it.