This. All this means is that they trained all of the input commands and documentation in the model.
This. All this means is that they trained all of the input commands and documentation in the model.
The .ml situation predates the whole reddit thing, no?
No, each vaulted Prime rotates in and out of the vault on a well known and predictable timetable. Ditto the Duviri Circuit rotation, except that there its a much shorter rotation.
Outside of some completely optional fashion choices the difference between prime and non-prime is completely irrelevant.
The stat buffs a prime gets are irrelevant now with the archon shard system.
Biggest thing is that some of the primes are easier to get(e.g.Equinox, Nezha, Grendel) but again, the duviri circuit makes that point moot.
No? Only things to miss are battlepass and occasional events.
The last big one off event was Scarlet Spear.
I’ll admit it looks fun.
But not $80 for a game then another $54 for the cosmestics battlepass season pass fun
I’ll just stay in Warframe where its free to play and its battlepasses are completely free.
That’s the idea, yes.