personally, the only person i’ve known who actually played wh40k was a woman (she played tyrannids). i’ve been wanting to get into it since they introduced leagues of votaan, but it is a pricey fuckin hobby to get into.
thanks for the heads up and the link!
wait, are you saying the lightweight DE crowd hates Xfce? what do they like then?
not boring! they’re giving you an opportunity to learn about pando, which is a hella cool tree.
honestly, kinda refreshing to see a business not changing their shit constantly just to change shit. it’s not the nicest pen, but it works.
(that is italy)
yooooo i just started this game on new years day.
if you’re concerned about defederation, why would you go to, which seems no better on that front than lbz?
i think it was the same troll, actually.
Grothendieck’s Prime tripped me up in a maths competition in high school. i had manually stored a list of primes in my calculator, and one of the puzzles involved primes and deducing the combination to a lock from certain clues. my list of primes erroneously included 57, which almost made my team fail the level, until i realized my error.
i know. i laid it out point by point. i think its pretty clear i didn’t claim you said either of those.
the grammar of this is very trumplish, but i do not believe he could use the word ‘railed’ in a sentence correctly.
that’s a lot of words. allow me to summarize your argument, and please correct me if i’ve misunderstood.
A. humans are rational creatures
B. rational creatures make rational choices, unless influenced by madness or sexual preference
C. being otherkin is a choice D. choosing to be otherkin is an irrational choice E. otherkin are not mad ∴ otherkin choose to be otherkin due to a sexual preference
your conclusion does seem to follow logically from your premises, though I don’t think i agree with the truth of most of those premises.
For people who identify as other types, like other kin etc., that’s a sexual preference, and unrelated to gender and pronouns.
i’m not sure how your understanding of otherkin has glitched badly enough to where you think it’s a sexual preference. what do you think otherkin is?
i dunno, i don’t think that track, or the album, is quite a sincere apology for party rocking.
today i learned that ‘cretin’ has ableist origins. just hearing the word, and being completely unaware of its origins, i assumed it had racist origins and was somehow related to the isle of crete.
apparently ‘cretinism’ is an old-timey word for congenital iodine deficiency syndrome.
is that thing in the upper right a slice of cabbage?
girl inbred