You’re right about how you would refer to each sound in use but the meme doesn’t say that there are 4 bilabials
You’re right about how you would refer to each sound in use but the meme doesn’t say that there are 4 bilabials
Absolutely, for many it’s nice to be under one name even if there is no legal need. I do think though that in a world where taking the male family name is not a default and anything can happen, double barrelling becomes problematic as a solution. You can only double barrel so many times! We need a new tradition that is equal for everyone and scales well. My favourite is what I once witnessed at a fantastic wedding. Before cutting their cake, the happy couple literally did a coin flip to choose who would take the other’s name. It was easily the most exciting part of the day.
AFAIK we also call them velux windows in the UK.
This is so worthwhile talking about. I used to struggle with this stuff quite a bit until realising what you’ve said here. The right frequently seems to mischaracterise pro-choice as pro-abortion, and that is completely wrong. No one likes abortion. And yet, it happens. Conservatives should do some introspection on those two facts.
Ha. I just meant staring at the oven is not particularly fun. Fair dos on the decorating though.
Thanks for your reply. I can’t say I relate to be honest, I would always want a good amount of all of those ingredients in stock. I can’t really see how mixing powder with water for 2 minutes constitutes an activity for a whole afternoon either.
How much of a thing is using a cake mix? I bake often but just using simple ingredients that I buy separately, but cake mixes seem to be really popular, especially in the states. Is that true?
I think people are overselling it. Typical British tea isn’t amazing and it isn’t trying to be. It’s more like a simple slice of bread and butter when you’re feeling peckish but there’s nothing else to eat. It just hits the spot. Once you’ve acquired the taste, you experience it differently. Spend an hour walking home in the rain, get home and change into your jammies, then curl up on the sofa with a nice cuppa. Then it’s amazing.