Found out you could right click and the page would stop tracking your mouse…
Found out you could right click and the page would stop tracking your mouse…
Idk, probably not around kids…?
What’s the extension? Advertise to me dammit, I’m intrigued
I saw this, said wtf, left this post and it was 2 down…
It is quite clearly pronounced “gif” as in “I sent a gif of Yoda screaming while having an orgasm”
That sentence should probably read “on my first day of using Linux outside of a vm on bare metal with an installation I intended to keep”. I use Kali for security work and I used Manjaro once but it killed itself before I knew what I was doing.
Snaps are not very space efficient, I don’t need the same packages installed multiple times. In a desktop use case that’s a lot of repeating packages.
Because snaps aren’t the only feature the distro comes with. It’s widely versatile, commonly used, and this argument isn’t a good one. PopOS is good, so is ubuntu minus the snaps.
What about all the other pros of ubuntu?
Off the top of my head,
Other distros are good. PopOS is good. I chose Ubuntu mostly because it’s solid and stable but also because it has a wide community for help. I’m just getting tired of the narrative that ubuntu is totally crippled by its snaps. This is a linux distro, if I don’t like something I get to change it, which is actually cool. This isn’t windows where I have no control. Also, with snaps gone, I’ve literally never had a problem I haven’t caused. I have the approach of strip out what I don’t want. Arch users install what they do want. At the end of the day, we both are exploiting software we want to use to be productive. If I found myself fighting the os (like Mac or Windows) I’d switch but I don’t so I won’t.
I started using ubuntu 2 years ago and its great. Just disable snaps. It’s like 5 commands (and you have to reinstall Firefox).
You stop snap store from running, disable it from restarting then set apt over snap store as default.
It’s not hard. I did it day 1 of using Linux. Plus there’s guides a plenty on how to do it.
Don’t try to equate a bill that allows someone to make a choice to decrease prison time, with a concentration camp where they harvest organs and hair, and “reeducate” people to believe China #1. One is dumb, the other is evil.
I get worried sometimes about my country’s (Australia) invasive online privacy laws. China doesn’t allow proper internet access, and if you think you have nothing to worry about, just Baidu-search “Tiananmen Square 1989” or “why did the Dalai Lama leave Taiwan”. I’m sure you’ll be fine…
Huh, is that why the people of Hong Kong seemed so happy in that last bout of protests? You know, when over 1 million people took to the streets, protested and set the city on fire? Also, and just out of interest, is your government still using “prisoner’s of conscience” as an organ donor pool or have they finally shut down their concentration camps?
idk, its facing the right way to read the helpful text on the tire.
The R in recursion stands for Recursion
I think he was a shitty husband? From memory he didn’t cope well after one of his sons died in the civil war and took it out in his personal life. He was also horribly depressed. Not that mental health was something people even considered at that time, so it’s not like seeing a therapist was on the cards.