And that patriot’s progeny eventually evolved into the great bald eagle.
Exemptions apply in certain States, read “miracled” for regional reprints.
The new Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark looks sick
Poison is sinister. How about microdosing reality?
Just give it a second, Majesty. You’ll get your new subjects soon enough.
But what about this extra 10%?
If anyone knows about toxic family dynamics it’s Neptune.
Same reason W wanted to be president and same result
Did you know all of those sit and reach boxes were manufactured by Halliburton? Follow the money…
I’m gonna start imagining my social anxiety thoughts as the Duowlingo so I can ignore and forget them
Edit: it’s helping so far
That’s why I never look up, just can’t risk it
Sarcasm or satire without purpose like what you’re doing now (best case scenario) is roleplaying and enough of that starts to leach into your own belief systems. This specific ideology alienates you from regular people and puts you in a social corner where the only ones that would want to humor your unfunny bits are Nazis.
I really hope you spend some time tuning your values and sense of humor, because Nazis never win, they’re never loved, they’re sad, mean, and lonely.
Edit: “He was engaging with you in good faith but you’re just enjoying yourself in a disappointing way!” -Urma
She insisted so compromise, edit. Anyways if your still checking back on these Ian, she also wanted me to tell you casserole’s in the oven and she’s coming not home tonight so take out the dogs, please.
Maybe if there was any humor to glean from your “jokes” that might be very noble of you. Regardless of a /s or not what your saying is gross.
Edit: in other words, not good enough, why are you like this?
Plenty of trolls don’t lean into Nazi ideology, why do you?
What’s your deal? Are you a grammar Nazi edge lord or just regular Nazi?
Did not know about portal VR, guess I’m heading back in for some testing
To be clear, I don’t think you’re advocating for eugenics. So I hope you don’t feel attacked/defensive by any of the following:
I can’t speak for anyone who’s living with an impossibly difficult disease, but the fact that so many people are living their lives, finding happiness, and making contributions despite everything they have to get through every day says enough to me that denying their right to exist isn’t solving a problem and is denying the world of their life.
The problem with eugenics (aside from the obvious history of racism) is that it’s looking at the problem from the wrong angle entirely. Instead of working to make things easier for people with disabilities and working towards cures, advocates for it think the problem is contained and solved by pruning the “problem” vines. We’re people, not produce. People that are neurodivergent, differently abled, or even severely disabled, all belong because we have enough to make room for them to thrive in whatever capacity they can. Whether we’re doing enough is a different conversation.
Iceland isn’t mandating people to abort chromosomal anomalies, that’s a choice the families make for themselves. So it’s beside the point. More so, it’s not like that can be eradicated either because anyone can parent a kid with DS. Huntingtons might be a valid concern, but sterization is a decision for those suffering it to determine themselves. That’s not eugenics.
Equating eugenics with family planning is irresponsible because it validates one very bad and widely rejected avenue of science because it’s slightly adjacent to a human right that is valid. Supposing that they are the same ignores history and risks spreading ideology that leads to making those same mistakes again.
You can get a similar effect at a park bench