Nothing beats that feeling of finishing that final exam and walking out of the school. To only get slapped with a fat D a couple weeks later
Nothing beats that feeling of finishing that final exam and walking out of the school. To only get slapped with a fat D a couple weeks later
That’s a good point. I am always vacuuming food in at a constant rate when the food comes.
They always pick the moment you got a mouthful of food so you can’t talk shit
And I think a lot of people don’t realise they’re interesting. We’re just not interesting to everyone we meet and that’s ok.
Doesn’t matter where you live. Epping sounds far as shit.
Dating show called if you are the one. I got hooked on this for a while it’s pretty fun and insane to watch.
There’s like 20women. They watch a short bio film of a bachelor. Lot of the times it’s so cringe its cute. They come out the panel of women fire some questions. They all vote yay or nay. If more yays than nay you stay. And you get to ask a few questions to the panel.
Then there’s this on the spot tinder system where the guy has to pick who he likes. Through this process the women who likes the man needs to match with the man who swiped right on the women. Then if they match they get a date. It doesn’t happen often. And you get these love triangle that occur cos the man likes #6 but #6 didn’t like him. But #12 likes the man but he didn’t pick her. It’s great.
It’s pretty crazy and fun. I recommend catching an an ep from an early season on YouTube.
Thank you. I vaguely remember almost 30 but can’t remember what context that was so didn’t want to overstate.
This is very occasionally popping up in restaurants in Australia. Whether you live here or travelling. Do not tip unless they did something incredible. I’m talking the fish brought your grandma back to life and the chef reconnected you with your long lost father. We don’t want to encourage tipping culture. We want to increase minimum wage. It’s like $23 now and we need that to keep growing with the economy.
I would be so pissed but then find it so funny if I was the artist that came second.
Also just love they had to remind people it was based on popularity knowing there’ll be backlash.
Honestly not enough laptops have handles these days
Me when I was 12. Around that time two of my aunts also divorced. My dad side a couple more split earlier on too. My generation of cousins and siblings had a running joke that divorce was in our dna. Probably some truth to that.
Hydrohomies is one sub a forgot about and now miss when I left reddit
It’s incredible to think they don’t mind given that people say how good dog’s sense of smell (and taste?) is.
I’m always bothered by this meme template. My follow up tile would be the woman leaving as he’s talking like she’s a menu item.
Edit: I know it’s a joke and a meme but still
I taught guitar at the height of guitar hero. I just taught kids how to play songs they liked. If they like playing they’ll be curious enough to want to learn theory, which some did.
I live a short bike ride away from the shops. I have some side bags for the ebike I built so lugging groceries isn’t too much of an issue.
The biggest shift is learning you wouldn’t shop the same way you do with a car. With a car you go to a big supermarket and load up a trolley. Spend over a hundred for a week’s worth and drive home. With a bike you kinda just buy as needed for the next couple days. You do more trips throughout the week which is kinda nice too. Forces you to get out of the house more. Benefit I realised when doing this was vegetables were less likely to just die out in the fridge since I bought as needed. Which meant I spent a little less overall.
It’s hard to have a baby without a car. It’s for sleep, for nappy changing, your closet and your pantry. Those first few years especially. If you need one even for a few years it’s totally understandable.
The idea is the concentration of lithium production can be more controlled (and recycled?) as opposed to leaving gas guzzlers out on the road. Plus the distribution of gas to gas stations and such.
As much as I want an EV. My country is just not set up for a smooth transition to EV yet. Until then it’s best to just not give the auto industry more sales and run what you have until you’re realistically ready.
Gotta keep it 55th St