1 year ago“Eurobatometer” does not mean that the questions are about the EU specifically.
“Eurobatometer” does not mean that the questions are about the EU specifically.
What does Schengen have to do with Russia‘s invasion or social media?
“WOLLT IHR DEN TOTALEN KRIEG? … Hey, not like that! Not fair!”
“Flood the zone with shit.” Steve Bannon 2018. I’d guess Trump does it instinctually but I wouldn’t be surprised if some people are quite intentional about it. Otoh, Musk has a history of tweeting wacky stuff you distract from bad news about one of his companies.
Maybe this research and language is intended to suggest that there is a point past which “confusingly and unintuitively designed” strongly resembles “intentionally deceiving”? We’re probably not going to get internal emails saying “make it complicated so that we can collect users’ data”.
Also, researchers don’t really control how university press departments write up their results. Even less so when they’re interviewed by media.
Addendum: Apple takes great pride in UI and user-centered design, and lately they have been highlighting privacy as a differentiator from Android. Maybe they just dropped the ball, maybe people don’t care, maybe people aren’t very bright. Still, some people have questions:)