This is my main lemmy account.
Admin of lemmy.cloudhub.social
I can also be found elsewhere on the fediverse at @jax@cloudhub.social
That seems really resource heavy. 4 Gb of RAM for an SMTP relay?
Other than that it looks pretty great.
Having a rack is a massive QOL improvement IMO, I originally had a stack of rackmount servers in an IKEA Lack (LackRack), and it was okay, but the rack is so much nicer.
The only thing I wish I had done was get an enclosed rack to help with noise and dust, rather than just a startech 4 post from Amazon.
And that’s a lot of awesome stuff for free!
Ohh that’s exciting!
Any big hardware plans with the new house? Planning on running ethernet/fiber to the rooms?
Not many changes in my lab this month, other than figuring out that the lemmy issues were related to liveness checks timing out due to the required DB migration on startup that Lemmy implements.
In hindsight, this makes a lot of sense.
Odd, is that federation issue on my end?
My lab hasn’t changed very much in the last month, just moved my Mastodon instance into the on-prem Kubernetes cluster.
Hardware wise, any ideas what I could do with an old X8 SuperMicro 36-bay storage server? I haven’t used it in a number of years due to it’s age, the IPMI not working well, and the physical power buttons being destroyed when I got it shipped. It also uses a bunch of power.
I also have a tray of ~16 old NUCs from an eBay purchase a few years ago. I don’t think they have remote management, and as such are a bit of a pain to work on. I’d consider adding them as workers for my Kube cluster, but haven’t been able to figure out netboot :/
Ah, that’s unfortunate, but at least a new one is on the way lol
Rancher is pretty great! The (basically) one-click install made life really easy for getting K8s setup, and storage just worked with longhorn, which was nice.
How’d your migration go? What’s your cluster look like, hardware wise?
I generally use Digital Ocean, but I was also informed recently that Hetzner has new US datacenters, which would significantly lower latency for me. Might be something to look into in the future.
Yeah, hosting it yourself certainly has various potential issues unfortunately :/
Ooooh, I’ll have to check that out, my whole code base for the cluster is in GitHub using FluxCD
We’re looking at that at work and it seems pretty good. I’d probably want to host it external to where my lab cluster is though otherwise it’s kind of pointless, eh?
Totally fair, they are both pretty complicated and some things don’t work well in them, for example, kbin :/
Same! Spun up a kubernetes cluster to host it (among other things).
The other point is, how do you know which instances to go after to delete any content anyways? I think there is a way to see a list of federated servers, but there’s no way to know which has your data.
In theory you could send a takedown request to each of them, but that doesn’t seem helpful
Reddit as a whole appears to be down right now lol
Not: Not my guide, but I did help push new docker docs to the docs site :P - This is a cross-post, not sure how well those work yet
Also, I heard about that being an issue in the lemmy matrix chat
I built a wireless Kyria keyboard late last year and love it. I went with LEDs and OLEDS (not recommended, I basically have to leave both halves plugged in if I want to use them).
They are a lot more comfortable to use than a standard keyboard IMO.
Agreed, but I think all instances linked there are going to see high load over the next while. We shall see how the network stands up…
I think I’m going to end up using docker-mailserver for this.