
This is my main lemmy account.

Admin of lemmy.cloudhub.social

I can also be found elsewhere on the fediverse at @jax@cloudhub.social

  • 11 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • My lab hasn’t changed very much in the last month, just moved my Mastodon instance into the on-prem Kubernetes cluster.

    Hardware wise, any ideas what I could do with an old X8 SuperMicro 36-bay storage server? I haven’t used it in a number of years due to it’s age, the IPMI not working well, and the physical power buttons being destroyed when I got it shipped. It also uses a bunch of power.

    I also have a tray of ~16 old NUCs from an eBay purchase a few years ago. I don’t think they have remote management, and as such are a bit of a pain to work on. I’d consider adding them as workers for my Kube cluster, but haven’t been able to figure out netboot :/