Thank you for this treasure, and I’m sorry that you had to endure such a thing. May no man need to deal with what adj16 has.
Thank you for this treasure, and I’m sorry that you had to endure such a thing. May no man need to deal with what adj16 has.
You know we all have to know now. You can’t say some wackadoo shit like that and not expect questions. Let’s have it. Come on now.
We had a guy throw spoiled meat all over the breakers one time. He was mad at us that the power went out and his food in his freezer all defrosted and went bad. He has a substation right behind his house, so he went to town. Real cool dude.
I also really don’t like ads, but I think what’s lately been bothering me more is every short form video that exists has subtitles added to the middle of the video. I can’t even look at the videos because I hate getting distracted by the unnecessary text in my face. Like just let me watch your video, I don’t need you to spoon feed me the words too.
Oh my god, this statement hits too hard, especially relating to my wife and things like this. She’s very resistant to change.
My wife turns off the WiFi on her phone to avoid the pihole. She does this so she can watch the ads in her games to get an extra life or whatever. You’ll never win on that front and I won’t either.
Uh, excuse me, but the steam controller was actually the first Valve hardware to do this.
The only person to gain an exemption to this would be hulk hogan, for he calls everyone brother, and that’s OK.