That would be if it ends in the news if a store uses it. I definitely can’t imagine people stop using their main grocery store off from a rumor like this.
“Analytics ate opt-in, but the app connects to from the start, and connects even of rejected”.
Not to mention, this looks like the kind of app that could have been a web-app.
I just love how natural Kaldi sounds. A bit more convoluted to get up and running, but it sounds really great.
I have a very slow and long chill song, set to increase volume one step every 5-10 seconds. It takes a good two minutes of playing to max the volume (the song lasts like 7min). I’m almost always awake before it reaches max, and never with a jump scare.
So, you are willing to give your location to Google anytime any app asks for the location permission? A lot of people is not. And there’s been efforts over time to get privacy-friendly location services. So there’s clearly demand for this, even if it’s still niche due to lack of knowledge.
Nothing to add yet, just glad there’s a replacement effort going, and wish them the best. Hopefully it will be in a useful state soon.,
Is there an imsorryjon in lemmy?
Nausicaa and Castle in the Sky are also great older Ghibli movies.
Have you tried Heliboard with swiping?
Great. Now do Israel.
Done that a bunch of times by now. It kinda needs to after a few days of use or it starts acting weird. But for some reason it always fails to load user posts/comments for me.
Pity it has a weird bug where I’m unable to load any user’s profile/posts/comments. It just kinda shows with no activity. I’m in Jerboa for now
Not really. Third party encryption/live antivirus threat/scan etc can completely destroy performance on a computer, when you have a few tasks running. Not the first time I see this issue. And it’s been mentioned elsewhere in this thread as well.
… Or how new? My work laptop is a core i7 from a couple years ago with 32gb of ram and the latest office 365. Any office program will take a good minute or two to open. I believe there’s additional drive encryption going on, but the load times are atrocious.
OOps, I stand corrected, thanks!
I mean, a Magna CAN be temperamental.
I love this Adam Something classic where they keep optimizing the tech bro idea until it turns into Thomas the Engine