Chevy 15-seaters from 2012+ you can turn the status screen on the dash and display numerical rpms. They are a bit slow to update but it’s kinda cool.
Chevy 15-seaters from 2012+ you can turn the status screen on the dash and display numerical rpms. They are a bit slow to update but it’s kinda cool.
I used an Apple IIe in 1st grade. With the big 5.25in floppys. Learned logo and figured out how to make spirograms using recursive patterns.
Much later we got a Dell P90 and win 95 before going through the rest of windows releases up through win 7. I figured out Linux in high school at some point, but that’s more of a hobby from time to time.
But also used os/7/8/9 at school and later switched to Mac in general.
No. Most people round to the nearest whole number and often just pick a direction to round.
Since no one does math in their head anymore the total is always more than they expected. No calculators on shopping carts anymore either.
Ha! That’s what they want.
Now add the sales tax. And don’t forget about bag fees and to tip Tippy.
People suck at math and this is how they confuse people into not caring what the actual price becomes when they have to add multiple items together.
What’s 19.99 + 21.75 + 4.99 + 3.99 + 1.99? Can the common person do that math in their head while grocery shopping? What about adding the tax to that total? Not a chance.
Most people probably don’t even know what the sales tax is in their own state.
Recycling was the big lie the corporations forced down everyone’s throat. They shifted the blame from those who produce plastic products to those who consume them. They slowly replaced all packaging materials with plastic in the name of convenience and saving money and weight.
Later, when recycling was deemed not be effective enough and the corporations needing a new scapegoat, They rebranded and green washed everything. Now every corporation has a mission statement than includes their commitment to environmental responsibility. While in the background they’re selling their carbon credits and laughing at gullible people who believe the current bullshit they pass off as environmentalism.
Yup. The data was encoded on the back of the plastic disc. So long as the “label” surface wasn’t scratched you can resurface the bottom.
Clearly, you’ve never used Paramount+
Yea I am aware. My point is that an analog system doesn’t have network outages unless the physical copper wires are all down.
Digital systems are much more fragile.
The whole point of having a landline was that it worked when the power was out.
What the fuck is a high powered toilet? I want one of those!
That is so fine marbling! Gonna be good when it’s crispy.
Baconshire ftw.
Because guns.
Ah, the elusive lank-shark!
So what you’re essentially saying is the government needs to change the laws. Until the laws change, no one will do anything different. And since the government or essentially behold into the corporations, just not gonna happen.
Not at all. Random8847’s dipshit comment is just so smug and whiney.
Every bit helps, however the corporations are really the ones we have to force to change.
If you haven’t noticed having everybody recycle, hasn’t really done shit either. The corporations that pollute really environment cause in the majority of damage yet we’re telling regular every day people it’s their fault and they should do their part.
It’s no more than animal cruelty, then any type of livestock farming. What the fuck do you think you get your bacon from? You think the pigs are happy in overcrowded, dirty farms? Do you think the chickens that lay eggs are happy to be confined inside a tiny cage covered in their own shit? You think cows like to eat feed corn day in and day out shoved full of antibiotics? Do you think any of the animals that we use for any type of products are happy to be slaughtered after being fattened up?
If you’re gonna argue animal cruelty, you better stop eating all animal products, and become a vegan. Better yet why don’t you farm your own food and don’t buy anything that comes from modern agriculture because all that shit is covered in pesticides, GMO’s, and all kinds of other nasty shit.
If Apple does this, good bye iPhones. Who would use a compromised device that lets all the governments spy on you? Especially since they definitely have the ability to utilize AI to filter through conversations and identify keywords. Fuck that.