Violence should be avoided, which is why our healthcare system needs to be replaced by a single payer universal system like the rest of the developed world. The current system is violence. social murder is violence.
Violence should be avoided, which is why our healthcare system needs to be replaced by a single payer universal system like the rest of the developed world. The current system is violence. social murder is violence.
His wife seemed perfectly happy with the fact he was making millions. His family doesn’t get a pass on this. They all know what they’re doing.
Oh god what did Billy corgan do
That’s just because your health care is excluded from capitalism. The evils of capitalism still apply to everything else.
Yes, democrats and republicans are on the same side of that coin. I don’t get your point, and honestly, the fact that you don’t understand how liberals are right wing just shows how brainwashed you are and how suppressed leftist politics are in the US.
I don’t think the police give a shit about the killer of this CEO. The cops don’t get special health care they’re in the same system the rest of us are in that denies their loved ones care.
I’m less certain of the military because they have their own healthcare system. But even then they have non military friends and family getting fucked over.
Mainstream media. She’s a boomer who gets all of her news from tv and abhors Fox News and the like.
I abhor both.
It wouldn’t change anything. This is working class revolt, and both political parties are led by members of the ruling class. Republican and democrat leadership are equally scared I bet. And their donors even more so. This was an attack on them.
(You’re right John brown is more apt, but bin Laden had seal team six)
Oh I’m sure there’s someone who wants to get the fame for killing modern day bin Laden (omg what a sentence). But I think the majority of the rank and file have had negative experiences themselves with the health insurance companies and don’t want to do more than the bare minimum in solving this.
Maybe I’m being biased and hyperbolic but this is the most unifying political event I’ve ever lived through and I lived through quite a bit of major political events now. Only the most pearl clutching of false piety liberals are condemning this… nearly everyone in this country has had first or secondhand experience of being fucked over by health insurance.
I can’t believe I haven’t heard of them. I’ve heard of the concept though. Isn’t that what mitt Romney was up to with Bain capital?
It has nothing to do with what’s right for the people but more so doing what’s selfish. They’ve been fucked over too so I doubt they’ll put much effort into this.
Hahaha. What is black stone? I know of black rock but I didn’t realize there’s two black earth things
I was referring to the third world countries where they do their worst offenses
It’s the liberals who are getting their panties in a twist over how it’s wrong to murder murderers.
My own fucking liberal MSM obsessed mother is defending this guy despite the fact that they killed my father. It’s complete and total brainwashing at this point.
I really love your last paragraph. I’m somewhere in the anarchist camp as well and when pressed by the ML types my general take is that power corrupts.
Most of the time it’s liberals
And what are they gonna do except continue to line their pockets while we all suffer.
Most armed country in the world. Continue to fuck around and you will find out. I can’t believe it took this long.
Fuck yeah