Though you may be right, I have a feeling that he is facing formidable opposition. That may include anything from social engineering to full on psyops.
Though you may be right, I have a feeling that he is facing formidable opposition. That may include anything from social engineering to full on psyops.
Can you imagine the amount of corruptive influences and persuasions he is resisting?
Sure they do. I’m just saying that laser printers are the lesser evil.
I’m not at all asking for a government monopoly on making printers, if that wasn’t clear.
Printers are the text book examples of why device manufacturing shouldn’t be left to big companies. You have tracking dots, spyware infestation, subscription for ink/toners, reporting of the cartridge as empty when you still have much left in it, refusal to print when unused color cartridges are empty, intentional bricking if 3rd party cartridges or ink is used, and utterly crappy firmware in general.
Inkjets require precision manufacturing. But assembling it or other types from components should be possible - like how desktops, mechanical keyboards, etc can be. We really need to ditch filthy mass market printers because DIY printers will be much better than anything they offer.
They probably started with the inkjets. More so, considering that inkjets have turned into a money grabbing scam. You’re better off with a laser printer if you need only B&W.
A trillion dollar company demanding 30% cut of revenue of small developers, on top of annual developer fees and exorbitantly priced hardware with zero reparability and severe environmental impact isn’t monetarily expensive enough for you? That isn’t loyalty. It’s stupid fanaticism that harms everyone else. And I don’t want to even start about the petty part.
Remember! The US backed the biggest genocide after the Holocaust - the Bangladesh massacre of 1972, where 30 million people are estimated to have been murdered. The reason was that the Pakistani dictator who instigated the genocide was their ally. And they didn’t like Mujib-ur-Rehman, the newly elected East Pakistani (Bangladeshi) leader, because he was a socialist! The US even tried to intervene militarily to help the war criminals, nearly starting a nuclear world war.
Democratic leaders tend to be pro-people. And that makes them US’s enemies. The antidemocratic tag that the US has is well-deserved.
Free software should be able to be replaced by anything - by the owner. There is no technical reason the device can’t still be locked to prevent modification by someone else. There are already free software that allows you (the owner) to remotely screen-lock the device.
Talking about ingredient X, why was there a huge glass flask full of it right above the tank for the professor to accidentally break it?
It’s likely that GenZ is just fatigued and apathetic to climate change. They might have just resigned to their fate, knowing the world governments and greedy corporate vermin won’t let anything meaningful happen in their lifetime.
Least important it may be. But it is the most significant. This scheme follows the conventional scheme we follow while writing numbers - the most significant digit to the left and significance reducing as we move right.
The advantage of YYYY-MM-DD becomes when you add time to it in ISO-8601 or RFC 3339 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss. All the digits are uniformly decreasing in significance from left to right.
This becomes even more apparent if you are trying to sort by time - say, a stack of files, or datetime in a computer. Try doing this with any other scheme.
I don’t understand the requirement for a proprietary software for this. Meanwhile, boot chain verification exists already. And there is no reason why it can’t be under the control of the user - with a user-supplied private key.
The ability to lock stolen phones should be under the control of its owner. Keeping it under OEM is just asking for that capability to be abused and misused against the wishes of the owner.
In what world would Microsoft allow the Linux name to appear before Windows? If MS were a person, they would be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
Do you know that there is a Linux port of DirectX that runs only with WSL?
Back when Microsoft started showing interest in and contributing to Linux, I knew that they were up to something no good like this. But honestly, anyone who thinks that WSL running inside a very abusive Windows environment is an alternative to true Linux/BSD experience, is frankly clueless. They deserve everything MS subjects them to.
Ooh! Looks like 9 muskrats who pre-ordered the stupidtruck ended up here by mistake, instead of on X.
It has become fashionable for some to take a defeatist condescending stance like this when it comes to issues that affect everyone. If you think it makes you look smart, it doesn’t. These are pressing issues and people have to take action. If you don’t want to, go ahead and disappear. But don’t talk down to those who are and those who are calling for it.
They diverted the funding for AI? AI is already a way for rich crooks to steal and make money off public information, if not an outright hype that grifters employ to attract funding for their devious pursuits. None of this is AI’s fault. But politicians should understand the type of people they are funding, instead of ignorantly falling for buzzwords.