^ exactly what he said
^ exactly what he said
I usually take these post less as ‘look how great peasants had it’ and more ‘look how much better we could have it’.
Imagine how handy this would be in generating reasons to pull people over, if a certain fascist regains power
Im sure theyll sell a subscription to let you report bad drivers & buy indulgences a la carte for yourself
When my wife was newly transitioned, we were out in a big box store and she remarks, exasperated, “everyone is just stopping in my way or way invading my personal space today! Wtf!”
Nope, thats just how people treat women in public lol.
You never needed to earn being yourself via suffering, no one owes that to anyone, but I have witnessed personally just how authentically the public mistreats all femme people.
The over engineering of the bumper cars was fantastic, i get high and can’t stop pausing my rewatch to talk about those cars every 30 seconds. Fucking awesome
Ball so hard they call me nutsack
Yeah my boss lives like 9 states away from me and likes giving single syllable responses.
Its excellent
No argument that she’s from the wealth & privilege class
But you don’t become the biggest pop star ever with a completely healthy upbringing, either, right?
That religious money buys a lot of legal LGBTQ+ hate
He’s always been a spoiled heir with massive wealth from apartheid and blood gems
How good could his personality ever have been, truly
I had sympathy once, too.
Watching my wife cry while republicans try to outlaw her medication and access to a fucking bathroom took it all
I wish the facial rec-blocking clothes weren’t too expensive for most protesters
I could retain a subpar attorney with that
I’ve been considering an Edward Gorey tattoo and I take this as a sign. It’s meant to be.