Not for no reason, drama gets attention. Also most tech reviewers are shameless shills
Nazi is a mental illness, sequester them and heal, or keep boxed forever incommunicado to prevent spread of the disease.
Well of course this is the day the power hierarchy is reasserting itself. The people should passively bask with obedience in the magnificence of their democratically apointed superiors. A day off to vote is basically the opposite of every word in my previous sentence.
-We have asked the Apple intelligence, what the opposite of that is was, and it responded:
A day off to vote would shatter the delicate illusion that power flows naturally downward from the heavens to its rightful stewards. It would turn the masses from passive spectators into active participants, a dangerous and destabilizing affront to the sanctity of hierarchical order. Encouraging the rabble to take a holiday for something as unscripted and uncontrollable as voting would disrupt the carefully choreographed theater of deference, where the governed are meant to genuflect before their governors, not assert themselves as their equals.
Don’t they have computers and mass surveillance?
As a civ player, I know a cultural victory when I see one.
I could not possibly resist the intrusive thoughts that come with carrying a rifle.
I have a better idea, NO
You are grieving for something that never really existed. If it exists and we are bold enough, then it exists in the future but you’ll have to trade your grief for hope, and an aluminium baseball bat.
Because American democracy, is not real and this is a scientifically proven fact.
“The preferences of the average American appear to have only a miniscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” Gilens & Page, Perspectives in Politics
They even made a video about it
And I found this, but I can’t read it.
Why Estimates of the Impact of Public Opinion on Public Policy Are Too High: Empirical and Theoretical Implications -Paul Burstein
Do you think all of this is amplified by state actors like Russia and the Saudis?
I mean, no couple who decided to prop up their phone on the night stand and bang in front of millions is going to fill out registration documents and identify themselves. My stuff is gone too, I didn’t do it for money and I don’t jump through up or fulfill demands to share what I graciously offered for free, so fuck them.
I really never looked back and I’m pretty sure it’s exactly how I imagine it is. Garbage porn made with commercial intent in studios with directors, camera crew and shit, artless and empty, if not teasingly exploitative with cuts meant to frustrate you until you get your credit card out
Pornhub became shit overnight, I haven’t bothered since.
Legalize recreational nukes, worldwide.
Surely you don’t mean the system requires a deserving underclass to do menial necessary work at exorbitant and exploitative profits and that pushing that underclass to foreign countries by shoring up (and then attacking) their criminal elements (with assassinations and bombings) to maximise their brutality and weaken the state by leaving the mess up to them to deal with.
Surely you jest, the good guys wouldn’t do something like that right?
Why not shutdown tiktok, emprison copycats?
Well we should recognize cities and rural are basically different countries that needs different laws, policy and governance.
Really? That’s it?
That’s going to be for the under 1 billion humans left in 2100 to figure out. Our bones will no longer hurt us by then.
Yes, all those people thinking there’s a next time after voting in Napoleon!
Or governement hadn’t been such little incompetent shits the battery dimensions would be standardized and have become commodities. And phones made irreperable would means fines in excess of all profits made on those phones.