I’m not sure I’m ready for that so just skip to the last part and use a cast-iron one-egg skillet.
I’m not sure I’m ready for that so just skip to the last part and use a cast-iron one-egg skillet.
So is this some sort of pyramid scheme? You get me to buy my own 2-ton stone slab to practice my chiselmanship and then when I die you have one more block for your pyramid? Is that it?
All a lady would need to do is ask, and rent a pneumatic spear gun. Unfortunately the government would punish this and I don’t believe they’d accept it as euthanasia even if that was legal here. Typical.
I would take many uncertain or potentially unsavory fates were they actual options (being a no-car shut-in makes it less likely), but a rock wouldn’t be one of them. I mean, unless maybe a Wile E. Coyote sort-of-way but still probably not because I’d hate to do the math wrong and get half-crushed.
On a lighter note, I am imagining a girl SSH-ing into a single-board-computer in her head. Which is something I could see being possible for biohackers (if that’s the best term?) by now even if the actual brain connection isn’t there yet. Can’t imagine what it’d do, but I definitely could see a beep song or maybe even a cochlear bridge for music (though that’d be more interesting if it had integrated context somehow, help with mood or play appropriate thematic/atmospheric music, so that’d be closer to cyborg-level tech).
There’s probably at least 8 or so people out there in the world who do a better job of it. But the circumstances are probably wildly different too, so I won’t put too much stock into it.
no smoking (can’t find a good image with a void symbol, but you get the idea)
I’m not sure if you guessed it or not because I’ve posted about it a few times in different contexts (thus why I try not to name drop now). I mean much of it is on me as well, change a few things about me and I might’ve done more with it.
Given only one player, it’s basically just informal yoga.
I might have a personality disorder, but yeah seeing most code/languages (stuff more substantial than the image here) makes me think there’s something really wrong with them or me (or both) because I don’t see how you get into that. Though I know in many cases it probably could’ve been written differently.
I like 1 language*, but it uses whitespace. I mean that’s not the defining factor, but there aren’t really different styles like this (though there is spaces for indentation depth, and I usually went with 1 space instead of the standard 2 so there is that).
*=it’s somewhat niche and I never really started with it because… userspace reasons I guess is the best way to put it
I’m in semi-rural USA (no car, local trail closed), shut-in, health issues, etc. And it should be obvious I am speaking from my perspective, as not everybody is eating frozen burritos (I assume).
Also some of the despair is lacking viable options to move elsewhere. Both on a local level due to lack of money and on a larger level lacking skills/transportation (or money again) etc.
Sure this is not universal, but I feel pretty locked in where I’m at aside from the next step down of being homeless.
Born too late to hear anything more than echoes and escapist fantasy of mutual aid.
Born too early to have any chance of the resulting problems being fixed, or even the chance to be a technology test subject (cryo and/or brain-in-a-jar… without involving a techbro) for some hope of escape.
Born just in time to eat frozen burritos and waste away alone in
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ℤ𝕠𝕟𝕖
My comment was more about combining art+animation and probably programming+solo gamedev. An example of my desired aesthetic, I made THE EYE probably about a year ago but the key feature used is not in a stable release yet and for technical reasons might not perform the best if used like that to create entire scenes (plus as hinted, other stuff not where desired). Thinking about a similar lowpoly (vertex colors/mostly textureless) aesthetic in 3D but don’t really want to learn/use Blender.
I’ve done mediocre pixel art in the past and 3 different attempts at drawing practice with years inbetween each attempt (a few pieces with digital shading, then a few rough digital sketches and drawing practice*, then drawing practice* on paper. *=Lines, ovals, triangles, scribbles etc and maybe some doodles). I always run into some small toe stub, though I think with paper I just got bored with drawing ovals after the 4th time and didn’t really see the point. Thought about trying mixed-media watercolors and never got the stuff, plus no real space or ideas again.
If I found the right raster aesthetic, drawing skills might make sense to do frame animations in Krita. But if I used something more vector-y the skills might not overlap as much particularly for more minimalist stuff (though it would with hand-drawn/shaded frame animation in something like Wick Editor).
lacking with the:
idea, knowledge, practice,
workflow, plan, proper working tools,
purpose, resources, ability to stick to something long-term,
or energy and morale to even get started on anything of note (this list may be incomplete):
“the winds of change are gonna really knock something into line, I feel it. Yep, any week now.
Just gotta scan the horizons. Or is it more like a pot of water? Hmm… Maybe there’s something I missed.”
Maybe it’s my brain (and physical medical issues too, energy etc), but I honestly don’t understand the appeal of most programming languages. Maybe Python, but I still hate the idea of the language being a bottleneck (I know there are workarounds, but at the very least that also complicates binding support).
I found a somewhat-niche language I like but nothing is at the point where I’d like it to be, and some of that isn’t actually a problem with language support itself (particularly given that I want to at least start at a higher-level). Some of the issues would be sidestepped if I just started with 3D, but then I’d probably need to learn Blender (unless there is a more minimal+free lowpoly editor that does vertex colors). Though I don’t really have much in the way of ideas either, which is why I also don’t feel like making something with a toolkit (I actually made a simple ‘adventure book’/interactive fiction reader but didn’t feel like doing the writing to develop it further).
Also anybody who wants details just look at my posts as I’ve typed out this stuff a few times before (also in normal comments for more contexts, but those might be harder to find).
TL;DR: I am 30, or 40 years old and I do not need this.
you’re telling me a cat fried this ice
There likely could be other benefits to them sharing such as:
Similar for the tree, but also mushrooms are recycling minerals from dead material.
I don’t know if there’d be “stingy” trees (aside from vastly different nutrient needs), I could see it more of miscommunication or having too much difference with language/biologic pathways. EDIT: Also I gotta imagine that giant trees don’t even bother counting it for mushrooms so long as they aren’t stressed. Sugar water is in the grid, take as much as you want.
Brain (using Macintalk Fred voice): EvaluateEvaluateEvaluate
(clicks out of profile)
(later clicks onto profile again)
Brain: Evaluate.
I use Krita for infrequent no-stakes photo editing (and even pixel art at one point), might not be for everyone but there’s a lot of overlap. Also you can use G’MIC with Krita, so that might help.
I used to use GIMP, but I prefer Krita now.