Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
I organize the Eurovision Song Contest, but exclusive to Lemmy, it’s called Lemmyvision !
Ohhh right that’s fair, my bad
Not worrying about this shit and posting in the communities that interest you
You have welcomed and taken great care of my memes in the past, I shall send more your way
Right wing extremism isn’t an opinion
He’s going to be locked in my basement
It got here so fast
It’s from a Victor Hugo novel : “Je dédie ce livre au rocher d’hospitalité et de liberté, à ce coin de vieille terre normande où vit le noble petit peuple de la mer, à l’île de Guernesey, sévère et douce, mon asile actuel, mon tombeau probable.”
(I dedicate this book to the rock of hospitality and liberty, to that portion of old Norman ground inhabited by the noble little nation of the sea, to the island of Guernsey, severe yet kind, my present asylum, my probable tomb.)
Pour moi oui, mère c’est d’aisse, pas meurceudeusse haha
Perso je prononce chaque e différemment ?
10 years ago, Couchsurfing was like this, I don’t know how it evolved since then
but the electoral math didn’t seem to be on Sanders’s mind.”
No indeed, Sanders has the people’s rights in mind, first and foremost,
“electoral maths” is such a cynical view of the political fight… Dare I even say this is a loser mindset
Oh you watch the Olympics name all the medals 🤓 vibe
True that, I never thought of it that way
They do lighters too