So they actually want to build a dead internet? Why?
Dead internet wasn’t a goal. It’s Torment Nexus again:
So they actually want to build a dead internet? Why?
Dead internet wasn’t a goal. It’s Torment Nexus again:
Music: QKThr by Aphex Twin
Related community: !idm@lemm.ee
You can get a relatively understandable tldr with well segmented text like this, if you read only the first sentence/few words of each paragraphs.
The announcement comes after Twitter announced across-the-board job cuts earlier on Thursday, with plans to lay off 9 percent of its workforce, which equals about 350 people. The company also said in a letter to shareholders that it was going to prioritize some parts of its business, while deprioritizing others.
Twitter was financially in a bad shape for a long time, the first year they generated some profit was 2018. Source Vine existed 2012-2017, I think they couldn’t figure out how to monetize it. Twitter was a text based platform, tiktok was designed for video from conception.
But I still don’t know why they didn’t try to sell it instead of shutting it down.
Coub was also nearly shut down in 2022, it seems like it’s hard to profitably maintain a short video service.
One more thing could have an important impact was music rights. Tiktok has special deals with record labels for background music, Coub was Russian, so they could just pirate music. Streaming wasn’t big back than, only spotify existed, labels couldn’t figure yet out how to milk internet users, so I guess Vine couldn’t get as good deals as it would now. Too early, too legal.
IIRC Vine and Coub made it mainstream more than 12 years ago, it’s not something new. Gifs are basically a prequel of the format.
If people wouldn’t like it, it wouldn’t survive this long, and wouldn’t be copied by every other company and requested in threads like this. It’s alright if you don’t like them but please let other people have fun. You don’t have to “learn” from everything, it’s just jokes and light entertainment.
That video is till up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj04MKykmnQ
She went there, because in the support forum the manufacturer replied that they can only give the source code in person.
Actually that’s acceptable, and does not violate GPL, they just expected that noone will show up in their sweatshop. GPL does not define how you should make the source available.
Poor Lewis Hamilton fans. Or is this for football only?
According to 2022 census data 18000 Chinese nationals live in Hungary, 15000 from that live in Budapest, they are the most popolous foreign community there.
Is ‘meteorologist’ the correct word here? I would expect a lava warning from a volcanologist or geologist instead.
From the cover image it seems like it’s about the Zuiderzee reclamation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuiderzee_Works
That’s an L
Here is a detailed review about this laptop: https://www.notebookcheck.net/HP-EliteBook-820-G2-Subnotebook-Review.144671.0.html
It’s from 2015, there is a full HD screen version. IIRC there was a big performance step between intel 4th and 5th gen, this laptop is 5th gen. You can still buy new batteries for this model.
Eternity haven’t been updated in 2 months, and 0.19 lemmy update broke some functionality.
I was in school in the nineties in a former eastern block country. Our school lunch usually looked really similar to the thing they eat in the Matrix movie, sometimes it was a bit more greyish.
It’s not clear to me even after I read some local sources.
Here is her website from Szeged Uni: https://u-szeged.hu/karikokatalin/en On this site you can read:
She was elected as a member of Academia Europaea (2020) then Honorary Doctor of the University of Szeged, of Duke University and Humanitaa University (2021). Katalin Karikó is a researcher-professor at the University of Szeged.
It sounds like some honorary-like thing, the uni want to gain some press from her name. Even though she was fired from there in 1985 because of downsizing. She was unknown in Hungary before Covid.
Congratulations! One more Hungarian who got a Nobel prize after left Hungary! There are 13 Hungarian laureates, only one of them was working in Hungary while winning the prize.
There is a typo in the article: There is no Sagan’s University in Hungary even though it sounds good. Her alma mater was the University of Szeged, I think they wanted to write that.
How did they get that file? Is it common nowadays, that this file is leaked?
I don’t like when the most important info is two clicks away:
Everything is a versatile platform that enables seamless integration and aggregation of APIs following the Everything API guidelines.
More info about “Everything API”: https://github.com/everything-gripe
Lemmy, Tildes and Nostr supported, but as I can see you have to install Everything Middleware on your server first.
Worst name choice though.
I have a K750, the battery is about 15 years old with daily use. The original battery was dead when I opened it, I just bought one when it was new, and it’s still going.
In another thread some days ago others shared similar experiences as you, so maybe I’m the lucky one.
I live in a bright flat, and my computer was always near to the window, it’s charge never went below 80-90%, so maybe that’s the reason for its longevity.