Most people wouldn’t, but all the ones you need to worry about would.
Most people wouldn’t, but all the ones you need to worry about would.
Trick question, it would be a normally shaped and sized clown nose, stuck to the above the trunk area, a couple inches below the eyes
Beer is like canned bread to me, in a good way. I don’t understand this criticism.
I just looked it up, and they were rediscovered in 1938, too. I’m absolutely not in my late eighties, so I guess this is just a good example of how weirdly wrong our early memories can be (at least mine are).
The coolest moment of my life was when my favorite dinosaur, the coelacanth, was discovered to still be alive. I was obsessed with this little known fish (for kids, no idea if it was better known among adults) and was super proud to be able to spell it, and then they found one!
And I told you that story because I so rarely get to, because nobody asks adults about their favorite dinosaur.
The comic also works with him and the original text :(
A big argument against them is that they prefer euthanizing homeless animals to keeping them as pets. I understand the instinctual outrage upon hearing that, because I grew up with dogs and now have a cat, and pets are 100% family members to me. However, I think most people, if given the choice between being euthanized or being kept in comfort without any agency or ability to leave, would at least say they prefer the former (pethood is certainly more comfortable than most prisons, but I do things like pick my cat up and pet/cuddle her that we would see as a special kind of hell if we were kept by someone and physically overpowered and stroked by someone, even if we thought we liked it at the time), and I understand the ethical position of bestowing that dignity on pets. I think the application of it is abhorrent, but I can see how someone could believe it’s right.
Given that we’ve bred passivity and love for us into dogs and that cats will just follow a person home or walk into a house and stay there, I don’t think it’s so clear cut as choosing what we would want for them. Especially with outside cats, who ostensibly choose where they want to be, but that brings up additional issues, like their effect on local wildlife. Even in MENA, where they’re native, humans have artificially increased their population to the point that they still present a threat to the ecosystem.
It’s a giant mess of a moral conundrum, imo, and there is no way to proceed without the possibility of harming pets. I definitely don’t think the right response is to euthanize all pets, but I can see why they do. I think euthanizing them all is monstrous, but I worry that my cat would see my keeping her inside as equally monstrous. I believe she loves me and would prefer to be with me than not, but I can only go off her body language. Hell, it could even be that house pets are suffering from a form of Stockholm syndrome and they would be happier without us and they don’t realize it, let alone communicate it to us.
I don’t have a solution. Again, I have a cat, so I’m clearly acting as though pet ownership is morally acceptable, but I think I’m avoiding really thinking it out because I’m afraid I might settle on it being ethically wrong. I love my cat and want to adopt another when we move into a larger space, and I don’t want to deprive myself of the joys of future pets, which is pretty cowardly, but I’m okay with that right now, tbh. I feel a little guilty about that, but it’s outweighed by my love for Nora.
Honestly less relatable even than that. At least Marie Antoinette had very little contact to the outside world, so her sheltered life makes sense. Mr. Beast has no such excuse.
The problem is realizing that you have a UTI. Post menopause, it’s more difficult to determine, but I’m not a doctor and I don’t know why.
I hope it’s that itching is just not a symptom, but I worry that itching/burning is just more frequent after menopause and women learn to live with a baseline discomfort level (the things nobody tells you about what can happen to your body during and post pregnancy and menopause are truly concerning, both in amount and severity- I get that I’m an adult and need to educate myself, but it’s hard to know what you don’t know).
Either way, the first reported symptom for elderly women with UTIs is often them going fucking nuts (sometimes mean, sometimes just nonsensical behavior).
I loved arctic, but I got a newer phone and now it doesn’t work at all. I can search for a specific post, but nothing comes up for browsing. I’ve been using voyager, but I still miss arctic.
I’m very glad for my eyebrows and eyelashes, and there’s that Sikh woman (relevant because of the religious ban on cutting hair) whose wedding picture went viral like a decade ago. She had a pretty full beard and had styled it beautifully with small flowers woven into it.
It’s a great way to signal that you’re bad at cooperating
I was once in someone’s homemade sauna (he was a materials engineering professor, so I had high hopes for safety, but I probably wouldn’t do it again) that was basically a structure around a superheated pipe like this.
The ability to take fast, clean-wiping, effortless shits every single time is my favorite vegan superpower.
Tbh, I’d prefer if the dough had, say, 12 hours to ferment before the pizza gets made. My husband does a 36 hour sourdough pizza dough that’s incredible.
I suspect it’s because NPR doesn’t have consistent revenue year to year, because they do rely on donations, and spacex probably doesn’t have a consistent budget (because extra revenue would immediately be allocated for executive bonuses, or more charitably, expansion).