Hardcore band front man
Hardcore band front man
Before the ice was in my grill, before I got my major deal
Don’t they go inside one kids colon too?
Put the return address as the address you want to send it to, no stamp needed
Just cool guys looking to hang out with other cool guys.
I eat green berets for breakfast, and I’m very hungry!
Catch you on the waves brah 😎
I was looking for this comment. My nana has a huge thing of thimbles from every single trip they’ve ever taken. It’s pretty cute tbh
Cat: You think this is funny?
As soon as I hit submit on this comment I realized I was holding a tv in my hand that connects to the internet.
When I was in the office absolutely, now at home if my power and internet are out I can’t even watch tv.
That’s the kind of combination an idiot would have on his luggage