I still don’t understand why this was a better idea than a train.
I still don’t understand why this was a better idea than a train.
It was an Italian immigrant, though.
I just don’t understand this. In any reasonable conversation, these two things have nothing to do with each other.
Who is reading Swift memes and thinking “Man, I was going to vote, but seeing how much she jets around has really made me not want to anymore.”
There have been memes about lots of shit head billionaires. The Taylor Swift ones are popular right now because she Streisand’ed it by trying to get that tracker taken down.
different scale
Yeah that’s kind of the entire point.
Levying valid criticism on someone is not scapegoating. You can criticize more than one person for the same thing.
I like Natalie, but also it’s possible to criticize someone (Swift) while also acknowledging that they aren’t the one doing the most harm.
Censoring names in a post about censoring is hilarious irony.
plenty of quality art (stark contrast to youtube)
Then why do you watch YT at all?
Traffic is not even close from anything I can find. YouTube gets as many hits in a month as PH does in a year.
What makes you think any free option that takes YouTube’s place won’t have just as many ads? The traffic that pornhub gets compared to YouTube is not really comparable.
People who have different world views than you are not automatically trolls. You’d do well to consider that.
are you refusing to see eye to eye with someone who buys a house somewhere because their career moved, then chooses to keep the old one because they were able to rent it?
If that’s the case, why?
I will kindly direct you to my very first comment in this thread. Cheers.
YT Premium is the single most valuable subscription service on the net right now. Don’t regret mine a bit. I listen to hours and hours of YT Music a day, and I watch probably a few hours of YT content a night as well.
First of all, I did not suggest that we flip a switch tomorrow that enacts a law restricting home ownership. It’s something we can work towards.
But if you think that it’s reasonable for someone to own a house where they work, where they originally were from, and where they want to vacation, then quite frankly I don’t think we are ever going to see eye to eye.
Nope, I said what I said. No one needs a second home. Lots of people need a first.
Surely in the 21st century we can engineer a system in which the moving party is allowed a time period to settle in and sell the old property. We must have the technology and manpower to do this meagre task.
No one gets a second home until everyone has their first.
“Organic” and “nonGMO” are two things that will actively make me avoid your product.
Obligatory https://xkcd.com/927/