That’s how the deep state gets you
Hello, it is me.
That’s how the deep state gets you
I reload when I miss dialogue. Some people…
I firmly believe, that teeth aren’t properly cleaned without petrol brushes.
What is it called, when you are a highly functional, somewhat extroverted but also burdened with crippling social anxiety? Asking for a friend.
Elderly children are the worst. 🙄
If I learned one thing, when talking with people about stuff like that: Most people unfortunately don’t care. Many don’t even have an ad blocker to begin with.
I don’t drink coffee. You can imagine my day.
It tried to kill us, but it failed. Was humankind metal all along?
According to studies, the gun makes quite an unexpected difference.
That’s 0 kB wasted.
Using Lemmy btw.
But can’t he just say “no homo” and still play it?
You don’t need to see what’s going on in a washing machine either, yet the fun window is usually included. Maybe washing machines were invented before paid dlcs. Or a see through water splash machine looks bad in a kitchen.
First win of the day. Thanks frog.
Agreed. It was Sophos.
I once tried wsl on my work machine instead of having to deal with cygwin or msys2. Unfortunately the virus scanner didn’t like that a whole lot and my account was locked. Man do I love enterprise problems on top of normal problems.
RemindMe! 40 years “check hydraulic press channel”
Looks fun to me. But hey, not everyone is a dino person.
I would vote for him. The US of A are lacking honey for at least two presidents.