Well he’s not wearing iron chainmail.
Well he’s not wearing iron chainmail.
Thanks for the help! Then I can paint the chocolates green. He’ll never see it coming!
There is no center, and there’s no fixed grid. It’s still funny to think of the atmosphere stopping from the sun’s reference frame, though.
Relative to what?
The outside world is fine to visit if you have shelter nearby. It’s also fine for longer outings once you’ve driven every other predator to near extinction. It’s only pretty rather than terrifying now because the entire planet is our back yard now.
Worthy of the title Princess Donut, even.
Can still beat Mario64 on Wii VC version.
Instructions unclear, executed a perfect BLJ.
deleted by creator
The password was “password”.
Not my proudest
It’s incredibly easy to make an impossible to get around paywall.
Sure, but the easily-bypassed js method makes sure it’s still crawlable by search engines, which is a trade well worth making where I work. Doesn’t matter as much for porn sites since the title and description aren’t the content most people are there for, so you can expose them on the paywall page.
Soup is what happens when someone looks at delicious food and thinks “if I water this down, I bet I can make it last twice as long for my starving children.”
Best viewed in Netscape Navigator 4
Filling slots is how you make the family
But that would be inconvenient. I’d rather just do my shopping a day early and not be impacted.