there’s no real difference between a true believer nazi and one doing it as a bit. or one going along with it for profits. they’re all nazis.
there’s no real difference between a true believer nazi and one doing it as a bit. or one going along with it for profits. they’re all nazis.
amazon’s probably boosting any product with “white power” in it, that’s why you’re seeing this now
they liked 90s russia, when it was weak, full of child prostitutes and people were dying en-masse from substance abuse (and the barn doors were wide open so they could loot it)
IIRC microsoft got got about this in the ie6 days or so, looks like they found their way back to their old behavior
nah, we still have winter. i know this because it still gets dark.
we’ll still have four seasons: summer, hellfire, second summer, moist dark.
i think the intention is to look at the stack itself. which could work, if the pointers werent hopelessly mangled by being cast from an 8byte pointer type to a 4byte integer type…
unless this machine really is 32bit
i dont think pointers are the same size as your int. you’re on 64bit, arent you? so all this code is broken.
i used to recommend linux to people. but that also meant that i became their tech support person.
i no longer advise anyone to use anything. i just want them to not ask me to troubleshoot their stuff.
look. imagine a place where the burger is not native. where the best burger you can hope for is… adequate.
imagine, if you will, a country shaped like a schnitzel.
in the twilight zone.
nowhere near as good as their chinese duet
i feel like i’ve met this woman. she runs the corner store 5 minutes from me. i think she’s on her second husband cos the dude looks nothing like this.
i wish they were at least good memes instead of this shit which is about as amazing as “drumpf” was…
pff nah, entomologists are experts at entoming people. you know, like putting them in a tom underground. dead. like that cara loft lady.
well yes, the clear answer is to have “days outside the calendar”. this is how the hobbits do it too :)
lol what the fuck, yeah right, ancient germanic word “man” derives from latin… whoever drew this didnt bother to open up the dictionary once…
well yes, but 28 day months dont divide nicely into 365/366 days, so it would not have worked well… uh, hang on. i’m being handed a note. huh. apparently our current calendar also doesnt solve this neatly at all, and is in fact a patched monstrosity more batshit than anything any single malicious person could come up with. well.
they didnt lose! they were not allowed to win!
the politicians were never serious about this war, they sold out the army! they didnt even carpet bomb the emus!
having grown up between slovenia and slovakia, i cant imagine mixing them up. they have such different vibes… :D
but yeah, i used to mix up liechtenstein and luxembourg…
croatia was already funny shaped when it was in personal union with the kingdom of hungary. that’s the upper half of modern croatia. most of the lower thin bit was dalmatia, which was also historically inhabited by croats and unified with (a newly independent) croatia immediately after ww1.
so while yeah, it looks like the west meddled to deny serbia access to the sea, i dunno how true that is. the region really was mostly croats and some italians, i think…
i could much more easily believe that montenegro was the result of such meddling
they lost in the fall/winter of 41, when they failed to take moscow and collapse the soviet union. after that, they had no strategic path to victory. so long as the soviets could sustain morale and keep fighting, germany was lost. they did not have the material means to win the war, never mind the triumph of will shit.