Maybe she’s getting some treatments and does not want to be filmed in the meantime.
Maybe she’s getting some treatments and does not want to be filmed in the meantime.
You can disable the optimisations for specific apps, should be under battery settings. At least that did it for me.
I once had a problem with a new Xiaomi phone where the OS would put the clock app to sleep and the prevent it’s background activity, missed 3 alarms before figuring it out.
That second hat is in a closed time loop.
I wonder, will it ever cease existing.
Knowing about Scott’s political leanings and him being more or less a christian fundamentalist: I highly doubt it.
Na, that would make old misers envious and throw a fit like a baby.
A werewolf in German is a Werwolf. Wer from the germanic word from man and wolf.
Khajit has wares if you have coin.
In Germany we don’t say “Our autobahns don’t have any speed limit” we say “Na toll, natürlich wieder eine Baustelle! Was? Bis 2036 wollen die hier ackern? Na schönen Dank auch. Jetzt auch noch 60?! Pff 70 ist mein bestes Angebot!” And I find it beautiful.
In Munich you’ll find more Bavarian restaurants.
Well it’s the part where after the second world war Americans temporarily governed and American soldiers and their families where stationed. So all they ever saw of Germany was Bavaria. They took their experience back home and so the image spread.
Northern Germany is nothing like southern Germany. Yes they like their beer, but Bratwurst and pretzels? More fish and bread.
It doesn’t make you happy, it makes you feel other emotions then indifference and complete despair.
To be fair beans and beef Stroganoff memes just tell me, that lemmy users have taste and are very hungry
That is why you always read the room and either compliment the older one, or don’t say anything creepy especially to underage persons while not trying to sexualise them.
You merely adopted the dark. He pooped in it, molded by it.
As far as I know depending how thorough those investigations are, they can take some time, then again “some” time already passed