Sure, today is worse than yesterday. But at least it’s better than tomorrow!
Technically I’m an archaeologist, I guess.
Sure, today is worse than yesterday. But at least it’s better than tomorrow!
Reject humanity, return to prokaryote.
I worked in grocery stores for several years in my 20s. That was 10 years ago, but I still remember so many vegetable PLUs and fly through self-checkout most times.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Tough but fair.
A story as old as time.
Paths of Glory is a very good movie.
I had that Skeletor with the chest damage spinny bit! Forgot all about that until seeing this. Thanks for the memory unlock.
Born and raised in Minnesota. Plan to die here. I can confirm this is 100% accurate.
Then I’m not interested.
This was the dumbest fucking take even before everyone had an always-on pocket computer with them at all times.
Outside of insane scenarios during which you would have everything you need at your immediate disposal, the option always existed to say “I need a calculator for this, brb.”
I’m 40 and wouldn’t fucking dare.
“Sure is dark in this room. Better turn on every light in the county.”
I hate it when someone with these lights is in the passing lane behind you, and their lights reflect off your side mirror directly into your eyes. The worst is when they’re only going like 102% your speed, so they linger there unless you adjust your own speed to change their placement relative to you.
Was that a dig at Totinos party pizzas? If so, we can’t be friends anymore.
And there’s no other way to eat those than folded over like a taco!
Never forget what they took from us.
All three will also usually contain >3 grams of iron.
Excellent disposal.