You’re the one who decided to go with personal attacks. If you want to insult someone at least give them the courtesy of reading their username.
Also you’re on the silly meme community why are you taking this so seriously?
There is no record of this bio
You’re the one who decided to go with personal attacks. If you want to insult someone at least give them the courtesy of reading their username.
Also you’re on the silly meme community why are you taking this so seriously?
blank page hmmmmm
If you actually had the reading comprehension that you claim you would have noticed that only men were surveyed.
Tennis isn’t played one game at a time. It is played one match at a time. Any point is one point in a game.
Winning a point is a very low bar. You don’t have to beat her. You don’t have to win a set or a game. You just have to score a single point. All it takes is a single mistake from your opponent to win a point. With enough time even the best will make a mistake, and tennis matches are long.
The shortest possible game is 4 points. A set without a tie breaker has 6 games. A women’s tournament match is best 2 sets of 3. So at minimum a match of tennis has 48 points. You only need one.
If you’re passible enough to return the ball some of the time, and do a valid serve you will probably win a point at some point. She may be one of the best tennis players of all time, but she’s not infallible. Its really unlikely she wouldn’t mess up at least once.
Be aware the model 3 had a facelift in the 2024 model year, the model Y is getting it this year. The S and X are rumored to be next.
Though public shame is powerful, be aware that those driving an older styled tesla likely bought before musk went so publicly off the deep end. Cars are expensive and cannot be changed without significant expense. So have some compassion.
But anyone driving a particularly angy model 3 with dagger shaped taillights, a model Y with front and rear light bars, or a cybertruck should be mocked and shamed without remorse.
Who elon really is was very public when those owners chose to buy their car.
<3 virtual hug <3
Me in most games, talking this person down results in less combat, which is more fun, so it is the right choice.
medication does work but only when administered. A pill or a shot does nothing until you take it, at which point its no longer external. Same can be said about nutrition.
Perhaps we shouldn’t take life advice from screenshots of cowsay on the internet.
Why do I feel called out even this doesn’t describe me at all? :3
There are so many different things that are called AI, the term AI doesn’t have any meaning whatsoever. Generally it seems to mean anything that includes machine learning somewhere in the process, but it’s largely a marketing term.
Stealing art is wrong. Using ridiculous amounts of power to generate text is ridiculous. Building a text model that will very confidently produce misinformation is pretty dumb.
There are things that are called AI that are fine, but most aren’t.
According to their site they have permits, and they are doing local organizing in every state.
I’ve not personally verified it, but they claim to be doing this legally.
I can see the post here from the link from this comment. But not on my user account, nor on 196… wait… I have NSFW hidden so that’s what happened. lol ok
I tried at it appeared to not have been posted and not post so I tried again. If it was rulebraking and deleted or something I can’t find a notification of it anywhere. I don’t know what’s happening.
expecting activism from the party is a fools errand. That is not a thing the democratic party would consider, nor is it the role of political parties in most countries.
We need to do the activism. We need to pressure governments and individuals to do the right things, and make it more difficult to do the wrong things. That is our power. You cannot rely on someone else or some organization to do it for you.
Its worth remembering that ICE continues to exist even when republicans are not in the white house.
You can and should oppose ICE all the time. Less deportations happen when people resist. Direct action is more effective than voting. The work doesn’t stop when your pick is in the office.
I always carry an emergency activism brick in my purse. :3
How about just eliminate pronouns altogether. Don’t see any reason are such an essential part of language. Just don’t use pronouns at all. Why can’t all just agree to? 's not like are even nessecary.
edit: missed one
“contributed to” vs “killing me instantly”
I wish I had the reading comprehension to find the obvious difference between these two statements, but alas it is impossible no one is that comprehensive.