Haha nice!
Haha nice!
Lemmy devs are awesome. 1 more reason to use the platform.
I found the quote interesting. Is the source material bad? How so?
I’m not Irish, but it’s great to see him finally gone.
Why do you say Go is going away? Afaik it’s in heavy use atm.
IP itself is theft. Fuck IP.
Wasn’t Rutte hard right enough, you guys are going further to the right? 😱
Lol yeah I’m sure they’d love to sell that shit to us after they sabotaged the Russian pipeline to eliminate the competition. And it only needs to be shipped across the ocean.
Personally I’d prefer buying from someone else willing to sell, like Azerbaijan or countries in Africa.
Israel are the terrorists in this case.
EU unblocked 10 billion euro in funds for Hungary.
It’s such bullshit how they portray this as if it wasn’t quid pro quo.
Good for Orban for blackmailing the shit out of them. Fucking cowards can’t even admit to the truth with this “walked out of the room” bullshit.
The hate for China is really dumb but people are too brainwashed to understand anything beyond “China bad”.
They already sanctioned the shit out of Russia and that doesn’t appear to be working (I saw an article earlier about how its domestic industry is doing quite well), and already sent a lot of weapons and equipment.
Russia has fortified its positions and I doubt the EU or the US want to put men on the ground, so I don’t think there’s much they can do?!
I need to move to France.
Was. They didn’t like what they found though.
Yeah I think that’s an issue in Europe and the rest of the world. Personally I’d like to see successful European companies, but not monstrous unregulated lobbying corporations like in the US. Hopefully EU legislation will level the playing field by making the corpos abide by fair legislation, but I don’t know if that’s gonna help in all instances, and we all know how legislation is always lagging behind by at least 10-20 years.
Didn’t realize. Ty for clarifying.
Where’d you get that Russia did it? There was an article going around some time ago that Ukraine special ops (or some sort of tactical strike team, not good with these military terms) did it. That does make sense, why would Russia destroy their own pipeline? They were still hoping Germany would change its mind under economic pressure. With it destroyed no chance of selling to Germans any time soon since it’s now phisically impossible.
Edit: found it https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/06/nord-stream-pipeline-explosion-ukraine-russia/ Edit2: my bad. different pipes
Yeah but what he’s saying is that even with the subsidies they get they’re unable to sell at a profit, and it’s all to do with much cheaper grain coming from Ukraine. If you choose to believe this or not that’s up to you, I’m just relaying the message because I haven’t seen this being talked about (and ofc I personally tend to believe him). The country in question is Romania, and according to him it’s the subsidies they get, the pesticide and fertilizers they’re allowed to use, are all crap compared to other European countries whose politicians negotiated much better deals for their farmers than our so called “leaders”.
My source is this youtube interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m41LZVjulA&t - but unfortunately it’s in Romanian and doesn’t have subtitles.
Tablet please 🙏(really small chance, I know)