The long-haired ones definitely look substantially more like you’d expect a dog to look.
The long-haired ones definitely look substantially more like you’d expect a dog to look.
Eh, the default organization they put on the App Library doesn’t offend me. I did add a widget for Reminders and another for Music though.
I hadn’t considered the connection, but now that you mention it I use Spotlight pretty much exclusively on my Mac too. Hopefully they don’t mess that feature up in the future or I’m going to have to learn how to manually organize things.
Thank you, I thought I was nuts for a minute.
…I thought we all just stopped having apps the Home Screen when we could put them in the library and unclutter everything.
Eventually; lots of things are possible in that gem of a game.
Weird how much of it still works just fine 24 years later
Am I remembering wrong or is this the first NSF “terrorist” leader’s monologue in Deus Ex?
I’m not sure you’re in the right thread here, unless ios and android are political identities now.
It’s a phone, man. Not an F-350 rolling coal with a Trump flag.
It’s really weird that this is what you imagine when someone buys something from a giant corporation that isn’t your preferred giant corporation.
For like the fiftieth time, no one that matters cares what phone you bought, what OS it runs, or what color your texts are on other phones you didn’t buy. As a person that keeps buying iPhones, I don’t care what you buy. Please feel free to stop caring what I buy.
No luck catching them swans, then?
I have the feeling that if we shook execs at Raytheon and Lockheed upside down for long enough a fair amount of that would fall out.
Might not be able to scroll forever, but most of the stuff I see here is at least new to me if not actually new.
Parts cleaner should do.