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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I feel like bluesky is just an attempt by a lot of institutional powers that lost a platform when Elon took over Twitter to make what essentially is a clone of Twitter circa 2018.

    What a lot of people forget is that, even before Elon, Twitter had become super toxic. It was basically some pseduo-progressive echo chamber dominated by lazy journalists, virtue signaling politicians, and toxic hot takes divorced from reality. The moderation system was just selectively enforced based on whatever Twitter’s SF HQ thought was relevant that day.

    I like the idea of anyone being able to spin up their own server and have a space for discourse. While it can be dangerous, I’d strongly argue that having a centralized private organization deciding what is/isn’t acceptable is a lot more so.

  • Capitalist is a nebulous term. While I guess you could use it to describe freelance journalists pushing out low effort schlock because they get paid on quantity and rent is due, I think that’s kinda ridiculous.

    I think the term “Capitalist” would apply to employees determining how to profit off changing consumer interests.

  • There’s a universe where Batman was basically the punisher and goes around killing people.

    The Grim Knight kills all the corrupt cops, mob bosses and villains. He also blows up blackgate and Arkham. Gotham ends up super safe, but somehow more of a dystopia than regular Gotham. Everyone lives in fear, and Batman has a 1984 setup where he spies in everyone and uses Waynetech to kill people.

    Commissioner Gordon ends up arresting him with the help of info given to him by Alfred.

    Would it make sense for someone to kill the Joker? Yes. However Batman is, in addition to being an anally retentive genius perfectionist, somewhat emotionally unstable. Dude isn’t the type of person who’d be able to kill the Joker and call it a day.

    That being said I’m pretty sure the in universe reason right now is that killing the joker releases a gas that turns whoever is near it into another joker. If Batman killed the Joker, the gas would cause him to turn into a villain who can singlehandedly kill every other hero on earth. He would then continue to pull bullshit out of his ass until he gains the powers of Doctor Manhattan and almost destroys all of existence.

  • I’m not saying that issue doesn’t exist, I’m saying your implication that the rise in men who have never been in relationships is a good thing is ridiculous.

    First, women are in a relationship at a much higher percentage in younger age groups. The idea that women love to be in relationships but men don’t is straight up sexism on your part.

    There are also huge reports of loneliness and isolation among men. There are reports of a significant minority of men being bitter about not being in relationships or having sex. It’s clearly a big deal.

    You are arguing in bad faith in an attempt to dismiss a real issue men face.

  • Okay, first you need a civics lessons. Capitalism isn’t a governmental system, it’s an economic system.

    This economic system is widely used across the world. This includes most of Europe. Acting like this is just an invitable part of capitalism ignores the fact that the government can pass laws to create a social safety net.

    They did. People living at or slightly above the poverty line have dental coverage through Medicaid. People with income above that threshold and no not have dental offered by their job have access to subsidies through the ACA.

    Are there people who can’t afford dental? Sure. America is a massive country. However acting like it’s in any way common is insane.

  • Yes. However, the vast majority of dental issues can be solved by regular dentist appointments.

    In addition, I’m pretty sure people are straight up making up stuff. Spending $700 before you break even on dental insurance is straight up fiction.

    I openly question how many people in their 30s (or late 20s) are in this thread. A lot of this narrative simply isn’t true for most people that age.

    Also OPs parents were boomers who had children in their 30s they were most likely more affluent than average boomers