I think Blendo is the greatest, but my dad says it doesn’t work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, it doesn’t even run down the arena.
I think Blendo is the greatest, but my dad says it doesn’t work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, it doesn’t even run down the arena.
Compulsory service exists in many parts of the world and it is rarely good.
Forcing people to do work they don’t want to do leads to very unproductive environments that are also very open to abuse. Being forced by law to do the work has a tendency to create super unhealthy power dynamics.
Gpt4 uses dall-e under the hood, which is not that great with text.
That sounds a bit too much. Generating an sdxl image and then scaling it up is the common procedure, but that should not take 2 minutes on a 40xx card. For reference I can generate 3 batches of 5 images (without the upscaling step) in less than 2 minutes on my 4070ti. And that’s without using faster sdxl models like lightning or turbo or whatever.
That small inert lump of metal can have jagged edges that can cause injury later on. It also definitely is loaded with dirty crap that will cause infections. Overall it’s rarely “fine” to leave random, unsterilized foreign objects inside the body.
She sits in the window seat, goes to the toilet every 27 minutes, and refuses all offers to switch with the aisle seat.
For some reason that’s a very common thing among websites where I shop for 3d printing and electronics supplies. It’s infuriating because it forces me to cycle through all the tabs to find a specific one instead of just reading it off the god damn tab title. A gross misuse of valuable screen real estate that’s normally expected to display useful information. Fuck you.
The vehicles also make vibrator companies?
It’s cockus engORgio, not engorgioh
Sir please it’s not break dancing, it’s breaking. IOC insists on using the latter, because they are desperately trying to convince people that it’s a sport and the dance in the name makes that more difficult.
At first I thought break dancing was a stupid sport to include in the Olympics. The I figured if those hoop throwing and ribbon twirling stuff can be Olympic sports, why can’t break dancing? It certainly has plenty of athleticism in it. More than many other sports in fact.
I still think the overly hip-hop-y style looks weird in the context of Olympics though. Contestants with funky nicknames, and presenters waving their arms while grabbing their crotch like it’s a rap concert don’t scream “prestigious international event that involves thousands of top tier athletes” to me. Though I guess it might be because I’m not used to it.
Never seen tearing look like a cracked mirror.
I’d like to know more about the differences between bird and pigeon.
Not mine. I want to work 18 hours a day on difficult and high stress job that I literally cannot quit, getting paid in company scrip, only to spend my retirement (if I ever have such a thing) in an environment that’s hopefully been made somewhat hospitable.
That sounds about right for Google play. That said, the point still stands. If Google wanted to implement such a feature, it could probably be done by onky patching things on their store backend. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a trivial change, but still it wouldn’t need to touch the OS itself. Probably. As far as the phone is concerned, it would still be disallowing rollbacks as usual.
You don’t need to implement support for rollbacks to handle those “emergency” rollbacks. You could just push a “new” version that’s actually the last known good version, and the phone would happily install it.
Okay then what? Unless the devs try real hard to stay hidden, Nintendo’s lawyers will do a little bit of digging, they will find out who those pseudonyms are, and sue again. And this time the devs will be extremely lucky if they can get away with just paying out 2.4m because the law generally does not appreciate it very much when you try to ignore and avoid its previous rulings. A console emulator is absolutely not worth the potentially devastating legal consequences.
What kind of motor oil would you recommend to pair with liver and fava beans?