ONLYOFFICE is quite good, although it prefers DOCX.
Young humanoid in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Slava Ukraini! | they/them
ONLYOFFICE is quite good, although it prefers DOCX.
A very nice list. I believe the entire Simple Mobile project has been forked to preserve the brilliant apps before their new owner completely butchers them. However, I don’t have a link handy right now.
Honestly, on mobile, there isn’t really anything. However, if you’re burdened with an iPhone (like me), I’d say use iMovie.
If you’re on Android and you’re clever, you might be able to use FFmpeg from inside Termux.
If you have a particularly powerful phone, you might be able to install a window manager (most people go for Fluxbox) and a lightweight video editor (like Avidemux) in Termux, share your screen with a TigerVNC daemon, and then use a VNC client on Android to access it. It will most likely be slow and a little choppy, but it might just work if you seriously have no alternative.
Ah, I didn’t know about any of that.
Try Friendica first. If it’s not your cup of tea, here are a few others:
Ah, bollocks.
I say we either resurrect KHTML, or try and turn NetSurf, Servo, or Ladybird into something that you can realistically use as your main browser.
Already have. Just have a look at some of the other comments.
Yeah, I was thinking that. The bad guys probably aren’t exactly known for obeying the law.
Still, I guess it’s the thought that counts. Also, it would be funny for some dictator to be put on trial and have to answer to NATO, the UN, their own country, and then just this 17-year-old hobbyist calling themself Hellfire103.
I’m rebasing the license on the Apache License 2.0.
Got it. First time I’ve written a license.
But does the license do that? It’s not discriminating against groups, it’s discriminating against actions.
a. You may not use this software, or any derivative works based on it, for any activities that promote or incite violence, hate, discrimination, or harm towards individuals or groups based on race, religion, gender, nationality, or any other characteristic.
b. You may not use this software, or any derivative works based on it, for any activities that violate international human rights laws, including but not limited to activities that may lead to genocide, war crimes, or crimes against humanity.
I know it’s not free, but are you sure about that last one?
I said in the comment that it’s not free. It’s still open, though, AFAIK.
I thought it was still open; just not free/libre?
PeerTube is safe, with odd exceptipns. Most instances have completely blocked the porn instances, and NSFW-tagged videos often have the titles and thumbnails blurred.
You can find far dodgier stuff on YouTube.
Well, that explains the memes.