The pricing scheme here is designed to gouge businesses for equal or more than the traditional non-cloud equivalent. Which happens to be completely unaffordable. Imagine buying a new enterprise grade server for your home setup.
💩 🫘
The pricing scheme here is designed to gouge businesses for equal or more than the traditional non-cloud equivalent. Which happens to be completely unaffordable. Imagine buying a new enterprise grade server for your home setup.
We should just use second notation for everything.
I’ll be there in 5 min? I’ll be there in 2 or 3 hundo!
See you tommorow? See you in in 86K!
Next week? About half a Megasec!
Doesn’t Megasecond sound better than Fortnite?
There never was love for flatpaks and there never will be. I’ll never forgive them for killing my son.
Was the OP a blahaj account, or someone from a different instance?
I had a “bearstein effect” moment just now. I had thought wireshark sold out. Like “Wireshark by Rapid7,” but i just checked and it looks like they’ve stayed the FOSS course! Way to go!
Crab people… crab people… 🎵
We should charge for API use now. :)
Came here to post! Beat me to it.
I think it’s geography based. Works for me from the west coast (usa) but not the east. :(
Only found out because coincidentally DEVOPS IS GITHUB. So yea, I guess add another non-critical thing to the playbook.
Welcome. We don’t call ourselves lemmings. The preferred term is lemons.
I like how someone put it in another thread. From the “defederaters,” The argument most seen is: “if there’s a nazi at the table and you say nothing, it’s a table full of nazis.” The most common counter-argument is “it’s actually like a stadium full of people with some nazi’s in the corner jerking themselves off.” From the “federators,” the most common argument is “defederation defeats decentralization,” and the most common counter to this is simply: “fuck off nazi!”
I find the whole situation quite extraordinary to see unfold and be a part of.
If it grows fast and hard it might happen naturally. is suffering already.
Just following the rule.
I love the idea of taking on a monopoly, but I don’t like that, without regulation, it has a low chance of success, and the consumer gets to suffer as the monopoly fights back.