Everybody is right that the car plug should put out enough power to charge your phone and it’s probably just a shitty 1A adapter. Look into that first. But to answer the question Anker is a solid brand.
Everybody is right that the car plug should put out enough power to charge your phone and it’s probably just a shitty 1A adapter. Look into that first. But to answer the question Anker is a solid brand.
it’ll only run on brand new hardware!
Unless I missed something that $75 raspberry pi meets the minimum specs for Windows 12
It feels like all the people clamoring to get onto threads are like wanabe influencers n stuff.
I have very little interest in becoming an influencer but I was definitely hoping I could game the system a little to get more engagement. It was just “good” timing that threads dropped because I have a couple of things I’m trying to promote right now.
I put good in quotes because after 2 days I’ve been advertised to a ton but I don’t think any of my comments have made it outside my circle.
I guess I’m trying to say that I think a lot of people want something in between being an influencer and being a product. I don’t need to be the next Louis Rossmann but I would really appreciate it if the flyers I post for the grassroots House music parties I throw got more than 10 “impressions”. Instead it feels like the only time Meta promotes my posts is if Meta can get a couple clicks out of a political post by showing it to my republican relatives.
Woody Harrelson is when I noticed AMA had jumped the shark, that was ~8 years ago.
Had one for less than a day. I was the designated driver, stopped to get gas after dropping everyone off. Put the phone on the car. Drove home… bye bye G1 😭
If your username is a Pink Floyd reference I’ll be your friend
Tailscale funnel
Tailscale is a fork of WireGuard. Tailscale has a cool feature called funnel that connects one of your vpns to a domain at .ts.net
My favorite part was “even if you notice we intend to break the law just be quiet about it”