You’ve just made an enemy for life!
You’ve just made an enemy for life!
Omnivore here. These egg prices are why I’m going to try a new recipe the next time I make homemade noodles. Guess I’ll be dipping my toes in veganism when I make soup with that, because I’m already using soy protein chunks. I doubt I’ll go full vegan, but I also doubt I’m the only person who’ll be experimenting with new ingredients as a result of absurd prices.
I think Durians would be more memorable, especially if you smash them a bit and let them start rotting before you drop them off.
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Those look like the cheeses you get at Aldi.
Starts out as top left, starts taking care of himself and going to the gym, reaches top right and keeps going until getting to bottom left. Meanwhile the bottom right picture gets skinnier over time.
If weight is the only thing you care about, then sure. The only problem is even normal weighted blankets can be an absolute furnace in the summer.
Guess I’m pressing the button, then. Either I become a billionaire and can do whatever I want, or I become a femboy, make bank with photos, videos, and streams of myself, and use the money to do slightly less of whatever I want.
I was never a wall puncher. I would give that wall a palm strike instead.
He had no rival. No one could be his equal.
I live across street from one of these where a restaurant used to be. I don’t know enough to love or hate the idea of these buildings, but this one’s a damn eyesore. The siding panels are various shades of pale grayish blue, with fucking CAUTION VEST YELLOW panels randomly sprinkled in. It’s just this big plain box with tiny-ass windows and the worst color combination I’ve ever seen.
Murdering wildlife and blowing up planets.
When my mother was still around, any time I tried to open a jar after she’d gotten to it, I would destroy my hands and still not be able to get it open. I could wreck tendons, give myself blisters, try all the tricks mentioned in this thread, and those lids wouldn’t budge. It was like she found a way to weld metal to glass with her bare hands. By comparison, opening the factory seal was no effort at all.
I’m well aware. I’ve never had any trouble opening a factory-sealed jar.
All these people are complaining about how hard it is to open a jar, and I’m sitting here scratching my head because the only times I’ve ever struggled with jars was after someone closed them too tightly. Just don’t use a death-grip when you’re closing your jars and you’ll be fine unless you’re elderly or something.
45/47 is going to shoot down anything that tries to divert it, then. Gotcha.