Do you not know that actual news clips from actual news outfits get posted on youtube sometimes
Middle-aged gamer/creative/wiki maintainer
FFXIV, Genshin Impact, Tears of Themis, Rimworld, and more
Don’t like? Don’t read.
Do you not know that actual news clips from actual news outfits get posted on youtube sometimes
You’ll be okay. We all have our pet peeves, and none of us can expect the world to abide by them.
People see it as a way to spread awareness about the fediverse alternatives that are out there. Like “hey, if you like this, there’s more where that came from.” It’s not for viewers who are already here, but for those where the post inevitably travels.
I dunno. Both watermarking and being annoyed at the watermarks seem like a waste of energy to me. If people are going to generate content, I’m not going to sass them about how unless it makes something about the content worse (harder to read etc).
I gotta say, I thought your first comment was some kind of madly wild, baseless, bitter accusation stemming from heavy disillusionment with reddit and assumption that spez must surely represent the worst of us.
The fact that you actually have a source for that madness and interpreted that source accurately is the most mindblowing thing I’ve seen in a while. That really is quite an article.
Thanks for the archive link OP, mods removed the post by the time I got to it. (Though the comment section is still intact, for now)
I don’t mind the lower quantity - that’s expected on a small platform - but I’m definitely not enjoying the lower quality.
I think the issue here is that there’s a sweet spot where quantity and quality are in equilibrium. You NEED a certain quantity before you have a high chance of finding insightful comments on a given topic – to simplify things, if there’s a 1% chance a given comment is going to be from an expert with great insight, you have a ~9.6% chance of finding that on a post with 10 comments and a ~63% chance of finding that on a post with 100 comments. The threadiverse just hasn’t hit that threshold yet.
Of course, there’s a tipping point which reddit is long past, where higher and higher quantities start to drown out the insightful posts with memes and quips, or downvote and mock them with a confidently wrong counter-opinion the mob wants to hear more.
I hope the barriers to entry with decentralized services that the masses find “confusing” are such that we eventually manage to reach equilibirum and not tip too terribly far past it.
It’s like using a very fine-grit sandpaper on your legs, so if that’s what you were imagining… yes? Maybe? You basically slowly buff off the hair.
Consider yourself lucky and walk away like you just dodged a bullet
have there been any writings, surveys, or studies
If this is your core question, I suggest putting it somewhere up top; people will get halfway through your post, find something they want to respond to, and just respond without realizing you’re not looking for anecdata.
But no, there’s nothing like that as far as I know. And I feel this sort of thing would get a lot of play from ex-redditors, so I agree with the other guy that recent shifts would have been too recent to have been analyzed.
(As far as anecdata goes, I’ve always found subs that focused on a location instead of a topic had a more prominent conservative presence, as location subs bring out a lot more fierce rhetoric as people feel they’re defending their homes from perceived threats.)
Yeah, I was just thinking while typing that I’ve got a super soft beanie I’m going to break out before winter sets in.
I’ve never seen one of those hats used IRL, but I get it.
If my room gets really cold, I can burrow in blankets, but since I’m not one of those weirdos who can sleep with a covered nose/mouth, my head has to stay stuck out and will still be cold.
I usually find a clean sweatshirt to hide the top of my head under or, in desperate times, origami my blankets up from behind my shoulders to tuck it in.
I doubt your ability to tell when someone is a sockpuppet, for one, given you seem to think I’m one of them. Which calls into question your assertion that this is a pattern of one rich guy who hates you and keeps ban evading and making all the alts just to mess with you.
As this was just morning drama popcorn though, you can skip the answers; these actions have spoken louder than any words you could respond with.
There it is! Lol
Yes I’m sure your bully carefully curated the persona of an MMO player and otome fan and the other projects she worked on for years under the same name just waiting for this moment. The long-ass review for a game I posted this weekend which is verifiably not plagiarized nor bland enough to be from an AI is totally just me feigning legitimacy so I can astroturf. The cat photos which can’t be found through reverse image search outside posts from this account are totally deepfakes to farm karma so my astroturfing would look more legitimate.
This won’t change your mind, but it needs to be said anyway: People can disagree with you without being alts, bots, sockpuppets, or in any other way “in on it.” Your inability to see this makes me doubt your entire account of these events.
It’s the mindset of someone who just woke up and was browsing sleepy as hell from bed and is already tired of hearing about this after finding it in like 8 communities and in several comment sections of unrelated posts. If you want to suspect my intent, go for it, nothing I say could stop you.
Why do you feel this is news that needs to be spread?
Like, I feel for you if all this is true, but we here already left reddit and you’re already pressuring the admins and claiming to involve law enforcement and reporters. There is literally nothing the rest of us could do to contribute to this even if we were inclined.
This was just morning drama popcorn. It doesn’t need to go anywhere and especially doesn’t want crossposting to large communities where it was off topic, nor does it warrant the spam in unrelated comment sections.
And if that opinion happens to make me a sock puppet, well…
Looks back over verifiable same-name online persona in niche interests for years and shrugs
Okay then.
weirdly antisocial
Completely forgets (or ignores) the fact that some people just don’t like their lives and avoiding thinking about it is what helps them get through the day. And that others legitimately have nothing new going on that they can discuss with those outside their inner circles. Like, I’m not going to tell someone I haven’t seen in a couple years all about the adult novel I’m looking forward to releasing in December, or that time I moved and nothing about it went well to the point it was mildly traumatic, so yeah, they’re going to get a “meh, not much. keeping busy. work and stuff. you?” at the most generous.
It’s hard to get across “no really, I find predictability comforting and/or am not willing to share the personal projects I fill my time with for various reasons.”
I think most of the people opposed to this post are confusing “I don’t need my whole feed to be about these things” with “I’m against these things.”
We actually just got our yellow pages in the mailbox last week or the week before, I think. I was baffled. I was like they still MAKE these?
Shit was no thicker than an old GamePro magazine. Just the businesses who are still buying ads I guess.